Example sentences of "arm with one " in BNC.

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1 Any Mobs may be armed with one of the following weapons : either a double-handed weapon ( +2 points per model ) , a halberd ( +2 points per model ) , a spear ( +1 point per model ) , or an additional hand weapon ( +1 point per model ) .
2 OPTIONS : A Mob of Black Orcs may be armed with one of the following : double-handed weapons ( +2 points per model ) , halberds ( +2 points per model ) , spears ( +1 point per model ) or an additional hand weapon ( +1 point ) .
3 Any Mobs of Savage Orcs may be armed with one of the following weapons : either a double-handed weapon ( +2 points per model ) or an additional hand weapon ( +1 point per model ) or a bow ( +2 points per model ) .
4 Any Mobs may be armed with one of the following weapons : either double-handed weapons ( +1 point per model ) , halberds ( +1 point per model ) , spears ( +½ point per model ) , or short bows ( +½ point per model ) .
5 Any Mobs may be armed with one of the following weapons : either double-handed weapons ( +1 point per model ) , spears ( +½ point per model ) , or short bows ( +½ point per model ) .
6 Any Mobs may be armed with one of the following weapons : either double-handed weapons ( +1 point per model ) , halberds ( +1 point per model ) , spears ( +½ point per model ) , or short bows ( +½ point per model ) .
7 He is armed with one of the ancient Runefangs made for Sigmar by Alaric the Mad .
8 He is armed with one of the ancient Runefangs made by Alaric the Mad for Sigmar .
9 He is armed with one of the ancient Runefangs made by Alaric the Mad .
10 He is armed with one of the ancient Runefangs made by Alaric the Mad for Sigmar , and with a long dagger .
11 Along the ventral part of the arm the tube feet called tentacles arise in pairs , each tentacle emerging via a pore which is often armed with one or more scales ( Fig. 1 ) .
12 The second oral tentacle pore emerges superficially and is armed with one or two large tentacle scales , situated on the adoral shields and similar to the arm spines .
13 The tentacle pores are armed with one flat leaf shaped tentacle scale .
14 The tentacle pores are small , each armed with one large flap-like tentacle scale , which is pointed on proximal pores but becomes rugose on distal ones .
15 Each tentacle pore is armed with one pointed tentacle scale .
16 The tentacle pores of the arms are not as open as in other members of this subfamily and are armed with one large tentacle scale , resembling the arrangement of Ophiopristis , and may be intermediate between the Ophiotominae and Ophiacanthinae but pending further study should remain in the Ophiotominae .
17 Ophiopristis may be defined as follows : the jaw longer than broad with one or two apical papillae flanked on each side by 4 or more rounded or slightly pointed oral papillae which form a continuous series with 2–4 slightly larger tentacle scales associated with the second oral tentacle pore , these scales may arise on the adoral shields , in some species there may also be papillae on the inner edge of the first ventral arm plate , the adoral shields long and narrow separating the oral shield from the first lateral arm plate ; disk covered by small scales each bearing a spinelet ; radial shields from the first lateral arm plate ; disk covered by small scales each bearing a spinelet ; radial shields covered and inconspicuous ; tentacle pores of the arm not open but armed with one or two leaf-like or scale-like tentacle scales .
18 The tentacle pores are small , each is armed with one large flat leaf-like tentacle scale .
19 The tentacle pores are quite small each is armed with one flat leaf-like tentacle scale .
20 A family with a rounded flat disk covered by small imbricating plates amongst which the centrodorsal and primary plates usually distinct ; the radial shields small , length less than half the radius of the disk , well separated from one another ; the jaw broader or as broad as long ; usually one sometimes two apical papillae flanked by 5–7 oral papillae on each side the distalmost slightly curved and extending beneath the largest oral papilla just proximal to it , it is possible that this distalmost papillae is part of the second oral tentacle pore ; the adoral shields large and wing-like ; the oral shield large , rounded triangular or arrow shaped , usually longer than broad ; the arms long and slender ; the dorsal and ventral arm plates well developed and contiguous at least proximally ; the tentacle pores moderately large each armed with one or two flat leaf-like tentacle scales ; usually three times long , erect arm spines , equal in length to two arm segments .
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