Example sentences of "compensate for the " in BNC.

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1 During night missions inside Iraq , the laser shines from the belly of the bomber , and is kept on target by the pilot or the weapons officer , with the help of electronics that compensate for the aircraft 's movements .
2 My horse is kept at a lovely yard 13 miles away : too far for many people 's choice , but the facilities and the people compensate for the 20 minute drive .
3 A successful team blends these different roles together so that the strengths of one compensate for the weaknesses of another .
4 Wimbledon manager Joe Kinnear knows his club must keep producing youngsters like two-goal Neill Ardley to enable him to sell big name men and compensate for the low income produced by attendances like the pathetic 3,386 for this game .
5 However , most people who join the industry feel that the interesting nature of the work and career opportunities more than compensate for the unusual hours they are expected to work .
6 As a consequence , greater virulence should be favoured if enough offspring of other wasps can be infected to more than compensate for the subsequent loss of extra offspring from the current host .
7 In what follows I will argue that there are specific financial advantages for Japanese firms which compensate for the presumed loss of efficiency that accompanied the shift away from the model of atomistic competition proposed in the reforms of the US Occupation .
8 In what follows I will argue that there are specific financial advantages for Japanese firms which compensate for the presumed loss of efficiency that accompanied the shift away from the model of atomistic competition proposed in the reforms of the US Occupation .
9 In many cases the large size of a company , which is the source of its market power , may enable it to make cost savings which , although not fully passed on , more than compensate for the distorting effects of an uncompetitive market structure .
10 The popularity of arbitrage portfolios suggests that the advantages more than compensate for the risk that the value of the arbitrage portfolio will deviate from the index at delivery .
11 Field Chairs are not paid for their additional responsibilities , nor do they automatically receive any remission of teaching ( though most fields have developed arrangements which partially compensate for the considerable demands of the post ) .
12 These should more than compensate for the natural decline in other more mature fields .
13 Once the winter rains have passed , Delhi experiences two months of weather so perfect and blissful that they almost compensate for the climatic extremes of the other ten months of the year .
14 The conventional notion of literary ‘ tradition ’ does , it is true , compensate for the lack of an historical overview , but because it implies a common pool of resources repeatedly drawn on by a succession of different writers , it is profoundly antithetical to Formalism and its key principle of defamiliarization .
15 As the award is conventional in its nature and can not in fact compensate for the injury suffered there is no logical reason to take one figure rather than another .
16 Responses range from bribing ( as your competitors do ) to refusing to bribe at all , but making adjustments ( for instance to price ) that will compensate for the bribe being offered and allow competition for a contract to be real .
17 They could not afford to buy a horse , and although the richer peasants were more heavily taxed , this did not compensate for the wide difference in equipment , which was not taxed .
18 The feeling of fullness you acquire from , say , jacket potato or brown rice or wholemeal bread can certainly help compensate for the restriction of saturated fat and refined sugar .
19 Although the money MI6 has provided has given him access to Western luxuries , they can not compensate for the fact that he will never see his motherland again .
20 It was like interviewing someone who had answered one of her frequent advertisements for a daily maid , trying to create a spurious atmosphere of equality and friendship that would compensate for the low pay she had to offer .
21 Agitation does not completely compensate for the lack of direct activity .
22 Even if she was sitting next to him , complaining about his driving , her own imminent decease would not compensate for the depression generated by his own .
23 Importing authorities , on the other hand , have complained that the cross-boundary flow adjustment does not fully compensate for the actual workload since , by using average costs , it does not fully cover the costs of treating high-cost cases .
24 People got snappy , and nothing could compensate for the lack of leave .
25 This enabled the party to put across its message more efficiently and effectively than would otherwise have been the case , and helped compensate for the other serious communications difficulties within the country .
26 It was as though he thought keeping fit would compensate for the image of the decadent Arab which was reflected in most of the press .
27 These honours could not compensate for the misery of his diocesan life .
28 Teachers are asked to develop an alternative female culture of achievement and independence which will compensate for the romanticism , dependency and passivity found amongst women in society .
29 Those of a pike have become elegant filmy sculls , rotating slowly back and forth from a joint within the body , so that the fish can compensate for the tiniest variation of current and hang above a rock as though it were suspended from an invisible wire .
30 And modern salinometers will automatically compensate for the temperature and pressure and do this conversion so you can get a direct read out from an electrical instrument of the salinity .
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