Example sentences of "peer down at " in BNC.

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1 Great heads with green , multi-faceted eyes peer down at her .
2 ‘ Mummy will be cross , ’ she murmured , wrinkling her nose as she peered down at the long tear .
3 As she peered down at him she saw him pause and look quickly round .
4 At the same time as trying to knot the heavyish material he peered down at his stomach .
5 He peered down at Mrs Fletcher 's crumpled list .
6 He peered down at me and scratched his head as he replaced his cap on his bald head .
7 Then I opened my fingers wide and peered down at the floor .
8 The man had picked up the ball , and peered down at Nick through dark-rimmed , bleary eyes .
9 The old man peered down at him .
10 Francis stopped and peered down at the complex of buildings .
11 He handed down the cane and the bicycle lamp and she waded away into the shadows as the curious faces of the villagers , the anxious face of her father , peered down at her .
12 The Doctor snapped out of his reverie and peered down at the Cell , still clasped in Bernice 's grip .
13 She peered down at it , noting that a white smock , like a hospital gown , clothed her from throat to ankles .
14 The trainer leaned over me and peered down at the leg .
15 She peered down at the dark water in the basin below .
16 The grubby face of a young boy , not more than ten summers in age , peered down at the speaker through the tangled mass of overgrown shrubbery atop a high stone wall .
17 Then she paused and peered down at the writhing thread .
18 Baker , who had abandoned his spectacles , peered down at what was plainly a sordid scene of domestic violence of the kind he was familiar with only in statistics .
19 Quigley peered down at its bum .
20 Teetering on the sheer cliff , Tallis peered down at the river .
21 The fool failed to realise the significance of the white rose , but instead peered down at Ruthven .
22 Ashley enquired , as he peered down at the instrument panel .
23 He peered down at Ralph and said ,
24 One week we decided to follow him to find out where he was sloping off to We found him on the roof ledge peering down at people in a car below .
25 Shivering at the table and peering down at the paper under the stumpy candle I allowed myself to wander off the straight path through the dark trees .
26 Peering down at the ground between his feet , John saw the box , its lid stamped ‘ J.M. ’ in sharp Roman capitals by a pal in the dye-works across the road .
27 Turkey vultures are common on Kidney Island and are usually to be seen soaring on two-tone black and translucent wings , peering down at visitors with a calculating look in their beady eye set in a head of bare red skin .
28 Peering down at the faint blood trail staining the grass , he strode angrily away towards the jungle with his son at his heels .
29 ‘ Funny little faces peering down at me through the branches overhead .
30 In fact on a couple of occasions he had thought he had seen strange green faces peering down at him from the branches .
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