Example sentences of "personally responsible for " in BNC.

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1 Under the legislation , managers of catering establishments could be held personally responsible for each breach of the regulation and each penalty could mean fines of between £2,000 and £20,000 .
2 No one is personally responsible for anything , so everyone gets away with it .
3 An official demarche , given directly to Dr Banda by the European Community last week , said the EC regarded the government as ‘ personally responsible for the safety of the bishops ’ and demanded to know why the letter was declared seditious .
4 Like Mr Major , he had the ‘ Teflon ’ touch — that invaluable ability of politicians not to be held personally responsible for mistakes .
5 It was typical of Winstanley that he should at once decide to be personally responsible for a lighthouse upon the Eddystone .
6 How much of his life he is personally responsible for , and how much his grandmother 's incantations affected him , I do not know .
7 Just as the concentration on individual managers isolates them from their proper context and makes them almost personally responsible for local policy variations , so the concentration on the processes of local politics isolated these from other sets of socio-economic processes .
8 Like the sole trader , the partners are personally responsible for paying off any debts the shop may incur .
9 If you are personally responsible for the payment of fees please state SELF .
10 He was also said to be personally responsible for the omission of the Jamaican , Jeffrey Dujon , from the World Cup squad .
11 On one occasion , when playing to a group of Durham University students , I told them that I had been personally responsible for Nelson Mandela 's release , and a tuxedo-clad toff suggested I should n't have bothered .
12 But Vincent never forgave his father , holding him personally responsible for this betrayal .
13 Applying these principles to the facts of this case , the central allegations were that Savory Milln knew that £23m of the sub-underwriting was being arranged through Mr Ferriday , knew that he was personally responsible for £7.5m and that it did not believe he had sufficient funds to cover his obligations .
14 Although there is a powerful chain reaction or ‘ knock-on ’ effect , each individual is personally responsible for his or her decision within the total group dynamic .
15 In a sense , then , the cat 's reality was not ‘ fixed ’ into either of the two options until this moment — and the experimenter was personally responsible for ‘ fixing ’ it .
16 All this meant that I no longer felt personally responsible for separatism .
17 Two hundred years after the Declaration of the Rights of Man took place in France , 200 years after that historic announcement of tolerance and emancipation , we can still see the practice of the most odious and cruel despotism by a man who is the execration of humankind , who is directly and personally responsible for crimes against humanity , and crimes against justice .
18 For example , expressed guilt may be so deep as to become delusional , generalised to the point where the individual believes that he or she is personally responsible for some major catastrophe or for all of the evil that exists in the world .
19 He had a deeply rooted fear of being personally responsible for any diminution at all in the lands committed to his care .
20 He now stands accused by The Hague city council of serious mismanagement of the Gemeentemuseum 's financial affairs , resulting in a deficit of DFl.4.2 million ( £1.6 million ; $2.3 million ) , a charge which may result in his being held personally responsible for the debts .
21 Legally , however , it seems that if it can be proved that Mr Fuchs spent above and beyond the municipally approved budget of DFl.12 million without authorisation , then he may be held personally responsible for the losses .
22 Peter III was personally responsible for the abrupt cessation of hostilities against a prostrate Prussia in the midst of the Seven Years War .
23 Thus the responsibility for unemployment would be seen to lie with the unemployed , who would then be seen to be personally responsible for their own unemployment , poverty , etc .
24 Equally , the involvement is more likely to be won if the student 's choices and decisions are genuine and not bogus , allowing him or her to feel personally responsible for at least part of it .
25 Nicholas II , so the argument runs , was personally responsible for failing to exercise either of two options open to the regime .
26 Although Watson himself was not , therefore , personally responsible for the teaching of pupils inside the school , he was nevertheless a dedicated headmaster who , by making a success of the first educational asylum , firmly established the provision of deaf education in Britain .
27 It is arguable to what extent Magnus Magnusson was personally responsible for the composition of the Cairngorm group and he issued a public statement saying he was most willing to meet with voluntary groups .
28 ‘ So before we go any further , could I just state that I am not personally responsible for burning any witches at the stake . ’
29 First-rate opera has never been free from controversy ; but managing London 's premier opera house in the 17605 was a particularly hazardous occupation , especially as there was no formal state subsidy and the impresario was personally responsible for the finances .
30 ’ I stress , of course , ’ I concluded , ’ that I would consider myself personally responsible for this man 's reputation . ’
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