Example sentences of "rid ourselves of " in BNC.

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1 In this way , though we do not rid ourselves of the ego , we do transcend it and make it softer and enable ourselves to see things calmly .
2 Yes , jealousy is futile , but so often we can not rid ourselves of its components and reason ourselves back to a state of equilibrium .
3 In order to believe in the Devil we must rid ourselves of unhelpful images of him ( though we do not need to wax philosophical about him as I did for the doubting lady ! ) .
4 We can not rid ourselves of it .
5 I will now entertain suggestions as to how we can rid ourselves of this horrible dog menace . ’
6 His alternative is what he calls an ‘ appreciative ’ stance : ‘ These appreciative sentiments are easily summarized : we do not for a moment wish that we could rid ourselves of deviant phenomena .
7 Once we can rid ourselves of the dual notions that some magic divides jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional questions and that all matters of law have one inexorably correct meaning which must always be supplied by the courts , we are in a position to make a reasoned choice .
8 It is no doubt all to the good that we should rid ourselves of the delusion that our mortal bodies are inhabited by immortal souls , but , in claiming to be human beings , we are asserting our capacity for exercising moral choice and that implies moral responsibility .
9 First of all we must rid ourselves of the belief that punishment is wrong if it causes pain or inconvenience and does not have the full interest of the criminal at heart .
10 After snarling a few choice remarks at them from the corners of our mouths , such as , ‘ Get lost ! ’ or ‘ Beat it ! ’ , which we understood to be good American for , ‘ Please go away , we do not wish for company , ’ we managed to rid ourselves of a few of them , but two of the most persistent followed us until we were clear of the town , and then we realised that the only way to be left alone was for us to be really rude .
11 We 're about to rid ourselves of the blood and fat of the buffalo . "
12 In seeking revenge , we seek to rid ourselves of pain .
13 We seek to rid ourselves of the awful thought that we might have some responsibility for what has happened .
14 As we have seen , although positivist criminologists were often shy of associating themselves with specific corrective programmes , they saw crime as pathological and shared a general consensus in favour of a broadly rehabilitative approach to ridding ourselves of it .
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