Example sentences of "rid itself of " in BNC.

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1 They wanted more reforms , not less , and an active role to play in helping the country rid itself of social ills .
2 But Korea may benefit if it can rid itself of corruption .
3 There are even suggestions that the US appoint its own Chancellor and rid itself of the high-handed monetary czars who ride unchecked across the economic landscape .
4 Can we entrust the future of Europe to a Germany which has still not wholly rid itself of a nationalism that hankers , whatever is said officially , over the ‘ lost ’ territories in the East , that still sees Germans as superior to other nations and races , that still relishes power over others ?
5 Can we entrust the future of Europe to a Germany which has still not wholly rid itself of a nationalism that hankers , whatever is said officially , over the ‘ lost ’ territories in the East , that still sees Germans as superior to other nations and races , that still relishes power over others ?
6 By converting land into pasture for several years , the land has a chance to recover and rid itself of the heavy level of chemicals in its soil .
7 Another example is the case of a generalized infection in which a fever is often observed — the result of the body 's attempt to make the environment unsuitable for the invading organism and so rid itself of it .
8 The Irish Government was resolutely determined to rid itself of the British system which had done so much harm to the economy .
9 Once more among his Party faithful in Nuremberg in September 1938 , his proclamation contained the usual cliché about the infant Nazi Party beginning the fight against the greatest enemy threatening the German people , international Jewry , and a few days later , still at the Party Rally , he attempted to justify Germany 's attempts to rid itself of its Jews by the stereotype reference to an over-populated country .
10 The origins of this popular movement lie in the first wave of pressure for disarmament , which began with the emergence of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament ( CND ) in 1958 and ended in 1964 , with its decline in the face of the new Labour Government 's failure to rid itself of nuclear weapons .
11 Other companies have had similar troubles : Clerical Medical had to rid itself of an agent which was writing unauthorised business ; a Legal & General agent .
12 Either it will spread , cancer-like , to destroy mankind , or else mankind will have to rid itself of communism . ’
13 Equally , the lesbian and gay movement needs to make far more serious and energetic efforts to rid itself of racist assumptions in its political agenda .
14 The Office for Fine Arts in the Netherlands has decided to rid itself of most of the 230,000 works of art which have been left to deteriorate in a number of large depots around the country .
15 It snorted , and carefully raised its hind leg and straightened it as if to rid itself of an encumbrance .
16 The positions of Byelorussia and Kazakhstan are less clear , while the Ukraine , with the nightmare of Chernobyl etched on its consciousness , wants to rid itself of those weapons .
17 Gorbachev noted that perestroika ( " restructuring " ) was bringing about rapid and unforseen changes which placed " new demands on state and public institutions " , especially the CPSU , which needed " drastically to restructure itself " , to rid itself of authoritarianism , bureaucratism and ideological dogmatism , and to " master the art of political work in present-day conditions " .
18 Enver Hoxha 's widow Nexhmije Hoxha , who had headed the Communist-dominated Democratic Front until December 1990 , but who had subsequently been expelled from the party as it sought to rid itself of the hardline old guard , was arrested on Dec. 4 to stand trial for corruption , as was Rita Marko , a politburo member for 34 years until July 1990 .
19 Pneumonia during the prepatent phase may cause signs of dyspnoea and depression , whereas the presence of adult worms and excess mucus in the trachea lead to signs of asphyxia or suffocation with the bird gasping for air ; often there is a great deal of head shaking and coughing as it tries to rid itself of the obstruction .
20 Net balances now stand at £11.4m. 1992 saw Peek ridding itself of Greenpar Connectors Ltd and its distribution company Dubilier GmbH ; of the US utility sales and service business of Husky Computers ; and the remaining aerospace division of New York-based Computer Instruments Corp .
21 Wolves in fact have done more than most to provide evidence that the game is ridding itself of violence .
22 The truth is that the party leadership , in contradiction to its own declarations , is ridding itself of the democratic wing of the party and is preparing for social revenge and for a party and state coup . "
23 Unlike history , the ‘ new ’ geography would appear to have rid itself of imperialist associations .
24 The roar of applause when it later rids itself of them may boost its popularity at a critical moment .
25 Its main function , however , is to ensure that the system rids itself of unwanted air .
27 The Dutch government rids itself of the art mountain
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