Example sentences of "cast around for " in BNC.

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1 Having grasped the educational import of the manyattas , Windley cast around for ways in which they might be adapted for administrative purposes .
2 He cast around for somewhere to put them , and at once Mei Ling took them and gave them to a waiting servant .
3 Blanche 's question woke Dexter from his reverie and he cast around for a photograph of Nicola in the room .
4 He cast around for a chair , shoved some papers aside with a foot and perched on the edge of an armchair .
5 Smiling awkwardly , he cast around for a topic of conversation that was n't personal and had difficulty in finding one .
6 So often the preacher has an idea that he feels strongly about , and he then casts around for a scripture that seems to fit his message .
7 Mr Moynihan should even now be pressing the football authorities to cast around for an island where The Problem can be contained .
8 These factors , coupled with the abolition of scale charges for conveyancing , caused the lawyers to cast around for alternative sources of income .
9 While the employers tended to cast around for reasons outside the work process when they wished to disparage women workers , unionists spoke more often of the low level of women compositors " skill .
10 Not everyone unfortunately has children so you may have to cast around for other members of the family .
11 It is an ASTONISHING piece of equipment — and I long to know how to use other design and text layout programmes which can be purchased and loaded into it , but want to cast around for sound advice as the programmes cost significant sums each .
12 Huy cast around for something to say , and found nothing .
13 The 46-year-old Exeter manager was drafted in for last month 's win over France at Wembley as the England manager cast around for a successor to the disgraced Steve Harrison .
14 It should come as no surprise then , that some of those who see bolting as fundamentally reducing the experience I 've outlined above , and which is our common heritage , should cast around for some solid arguments to counter its spread .
15 Instead , as officials realised that the failure of agriculture , the failure to industrialise and the continuing Ostflucht were combining to produce a massive crisis in the east , they cast around for an external enemy on whom to project the cause of their misfortune .
16 Meryl could sense the woman 's agitation and anger , and cast around for some diversion .
17 He grew it , merged it with an American company , then a few years later , having developed a multimillion pound empire , cast around for a new challenge .
18 So I cast around for somewhere else and we found this , in a very poor state of repair .
19 When , in 1916 , pacifist thinkers cast around for an alternative power which claimed to represent the universal interests of mankind , their eyes turned to the United States .
20 We can adapt our theories , or cast around for fresh ones , to suit our intuitions .
21 Unable to mobilize peasant support , the revolutionaries cast around for alternative strategies .
22 Once inside the shed , Amis entered the cage and cast around for the big wrench that he 'd taken to keeping in here .
23 Casting around for a task for the Crown Prince , Palace advisers had considered putting him to work leading a development campaign within the Commonwealth , before the inner-city initiative seized his imagination .
24 However , long before these disastrous developments , Vermuyden was wiping the mud of Hatfield off his boots and casting around for greener pastures .
25 The company spent some two years casting around for a successor to its best-selling computer and finally came up with a machine called Lisa named after the daughter of the company 's founder Steve Jobs .
26 Casting around for a suitable envoy to go out to Australia on behalf of a contrite British government , the choice fell on Major Julian Layton , an active promoter of the refugee cause whose experience encompassed several weeks on the Isle of Man liaising with the civil administration .
27 Casting around for precedents for the next move forward , he seized on Michelet 's improvisatory style , which he said put him in mind of the rough sketches of a painter .
28 Upset by what he had seen and casting around for someone to blame , he translated his guilt into aggression and resurrected the threat of marriage to Sien as a supposed solution .
29 With the main market for computer games ( pre-adolescent boys ) reaching saturation point , the big companies are casting around for ways to keep those sales figures healthy .
30 Skinner , who ticked me off yesterday for suggesting his vote had fallen , is off after 14 years , leaving my colleagues on the Sun distraught and casting around for a new NEC contact .
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