Example sentences of "concern itself [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A second , related problem is that business ethics has mostly concerned itself with grand theorising , trying to answer questions such as ‘ Is capitalism ethically justifiable ? ’ and ‘ Can a profitable business ever be ethical ? ’ .
2 The CNAA , in its desire to ensure that the courses which it validates are of a sufficiently high standard , has necessarily concerned itself with the resources and ethos of institutions as a whole and has not hesitated to pass judgment on them , going , some would argue , beyond the responsibilities laid upon it by its Royal Charter .
3 In practice though , research within this framework has concerned itself with " patterns of linguistic behaviour " as made manifest , for example , through narrative or in interviews , rather than looking in detail at conversational encounters .
4 But there are a few who are questioning the state of play , and who agree with Ben Whitaker ( 1979 : 312 ) when he urged ‘ that police thinking would profit if it more often came out of its shell and concerned itself with wider questions about the role of the police and human relations ’ .
5 Protestantism concerned itself with the inscription of dogma , attention to the text , was more emphatically scriptural .
6 For it is indeed time some party concerned itself with all those intangible forms of wealth that can not be included in anything called so appropriately the gross national product .
7 In 1973 the Ladies ' Committee concerned itself with this seat reporting ‘ It was a pity to leave it in the wet even if only there for the time being ’ .
8 A recent issue on MIMS concerned itself with massive , sudden hair loss .
9 Other issues that the FCC concerned itself with included the control of unruly behaviour ( both by young people and by American Legion club members ! ) , the use of vacant structures and neighbourhood welfare programmes , particularly for the elderly .
10 While this survey has been concerned with public libraries , co-operation potentially encompasses a wide range of institutions , and an INSET network that concerned itself with training across the whole spectrum of librarianship would be of maximum value .
11 A programme of national assessment began in May 1978 and concerned itself with the standard achieved by 11 year olds .
12 Whereas the nineteenth-century state concerned itself with the common affairs of all capital owners , the growth of giant industrial corporations and of large financial combines has now led to the almost complete exclusion of other capitalist fractions from influence over the state .
13 Four of these were members of the networks under observation , but lived in neighbouring townships and so were excluded from the quantitative analysis which concerned itself with the known-unknown ratio in specific townships .
14 The Committee also concerned itself with other aspects of university life — the training of graduates ; the value of degrees ; the employment of graduates ; the fair consideration of the provincial graduate in competition with those from the older universities ; the participation of graduates in university affairs , in industry , in education and in the Civil Service ; student problems , welfare and accommodation ; university entrance requirements .
15 From the start , the NAPSS had a number of energetic women members , and also concerned itself with the question of women 's employment .
16 For example , in Lonrho/House of Fraser ( 1979 ) , it concerned itself with the managerial capacity of a particular individual .
17 Dope was n't , but the drug legal advice service ‘ Release ’ which concerned itself with the increasing number of busts — and junkies — began operating in West London .
18 Earlier computing concerned itself with the operations of the firm ; modern systems concern themselves with decision-support as well .
19 Designers ' Saturday is not an exhibition of how to furnish your home , but concerns itself with interior design as a whole .
20 While literature in the West concerns itself with little more than sex and other people 's books , there on the farther shore writers matter .
21 The story concerns itself with those negotiations .
22 While it remains unclear to this reader exactly what moral or spiritual relations are set forth in the three stories which comprise the titular parables , Proofs , the main part of the present volume , concerns itself with how the collapse of communism threatens the whole Western intellectual tradition of idealism and asceticism .
23 This report , of the Medical Royal Colleges and their Faculties in the United Kingdom , concerns itself with the diagnosis of brain death , but at the outset acknowledges that ‘ the dilemma of when to switch off the ventilator has been the subject of much public interest . ’
24 Gedge explained its meaning to Splutter fanzine : ‘ It concerns itself with those factors which cause men to conform to a particular form of sexual stereotyping .
25 Finally , of the other 20 , there is a whole miscellany , of which the most interesting concerns itself with monastic products ; however , as these are Trappist , presumably the less said , the better !
26 The first , Playin' the Blues , concerns itself with Robben 's usage of scales , chords and comping patterns within the blues format .
27 Appraisal is seen to be principally the activity of applied linguistics ( or that branch of it that concerns itself with language teaching ) and application ( as defined here ) the principal activity of language teaching .
28 The remainder of this chapter concerns itself with these two outer layers .
29 The Melanesian group , stretching in a broken line to the east of the immense and mountainous island of Papua New Guinea , includes the Solomons , Vanuatu and Fiji , each an independent , free-standing state ; but the Australians look after Norfolk Island , and there are French possessions too , in New Caledonia and the Loyalty Islands , with gendarmes , soldiers from Lyons and Marseilles , and offices of that wondrously-named bureaucracy , the DOM-TOM , which concerns itself with the Déartements Outres-Mer et Territoires Outres-Mer .
30 Bishop John Crowley writing to the priests and religious in the diocese , says : ‘ The next Synod of Bishops concerns itself with the Consecrated Life in the Church and the World .
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