Example sentences of "released from prison " in BNC.

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1 Men and women discharged from hospital with nowhere to live , or released from prison back into the community , are having to sleep rough or doss down wherever they can find a willing friend .
2 He was released from prison after thirty months , returned to his barker 's job in San Francisco and took up with a stripper .
3 A former student promoter told me that , when he was unable to pay Dury in cash , ‘ he threatened to have me chain-whipped by one of his companions whom he said had recently been released from prison ’ .
4 He moved to Derby after being released from prison .
5 Yet Hitler himself referred to the S.A.S. as ‘ so-called commandos who are recruited in part from common criminals released from prison … captured S.A.S. troops must be handed over at once to the nearest Gestapo unit … these men are very dangerous , and the presence of S.A.S. troops must be immediately reported … they must be ruthlessly exterminated . ’
6 At that point the creditor could still refuse to have the man released from prison and insist of his being kept there , so long as he paid him a groat a day .
7 When released from prison he shows how he relied on others , by needing to be with the church after release from prison rather than going off and licking his wounds by himself .
8 Only twenty-two months of the sentence were served , Gandhi being released from prison when his health broke down after an operation for appendicitis .
9 And far too many sex offenders are released from prison when experts know that they are likely to strike again .
10 A violent , ruthless man ( released from Prison early ) gained control of a section and placed it at loggerheads with another section .
11 Mr Bull said since Smith was released from prison in April 1990 , after laundering stolen cheques , he had been unable to get a job until he managed to fool the WDA .
12 The Government has also agreed that the men could be used to escort detainees released from prison camps .
13 Orlando Azcué Rodríguez ( AI Prisoners Letter Writing Campaign June/July 1991 ) was conditionally released from prison in Cuba on 19 July 1991 after serving only 16 months of his three-year sentence for ‘ enemy propaganda . ’
14 Despenser 's heir was released from prison in July 1331 , but had to wait until 1337 before receiving any of his father 's inheritance .
15 Aston was eventually offered a temporary place in a hostel occupied exclusively by men , many of whom have been recently released from prison or who have drug problems .
16 prisoners whose character and record render them suitable … should be released from prison earlier than they are at present .
17 In September 1977 the second wave of terrorism by the Baader-Meinhof gang reached its grisly climax : the businessman Hans-Martin Schleyer was kidnapped and murdered ; Palestinian and German terrorists made a vain bid to get Baader and others released from prison , by hijacking a Lufthansa airliner ; and when German police forcibly put an end to the hijack Baader and his colleagues committed suicide .
18 It is accepted procedure that an imprisoned contemnor can apply to the first instance court to purge his contempt and be released from prison .
19 In early April 1990 , Price was released from prison in Sweden after serving approximately five years of his sentence .
20 On 6 July , Price was released from prison in this country .
21 So as soon as I was released from prison I done more crimes .
22 When we met Sharon she was living in a London hostel for women recently released from prison .
23 People also seem to get this impression that if you 're released from prison the first thing you want is sex .
24 In January 1822 ( Sir ) Robert Peel became home secretary and in October the leader of the Peterloo riot was released from prison .
25 He was finally released from prison two years later on payment of a £500 fine to Edward .
26 Released from prison , Rudd travelled around the country , undertaking surveys and checking information at first hand .
27 In September of that year a convicted smuggler , of Belgian nationality was released from prison .
28 HOME Secretary Kenneth Clarke might appreciate a letter sent to Horsham police by a convict just released from prison .
29 A spokesman for the Ministry of Public Security announced on Jan. 18 that 573 people arrested for taking part in pro-democracy demonstrations in April-June 1989 had recently been released from prison .
30 Around 40 people convicted of political crimes in connection with acts of defiance during the campaign to impose Slavic names on ethnic Turks were released from prison in accordance with an amnesty bill passed by the National Assembly on Jan. 15 .
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