Example sentences of "lips draw back " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Doran 's lips drew back in a snarl .
2 Generous lips drew back in a smile to reveal small , pearl-like teeth .
3 Then the Prophet 's lips drew back from his teeth in a soundless snarl of triumph , and the next thing Curtis knew , he was staring down the muzzle of the gun the other had levelled at him from point blank range .
4 The Prophet 's bloody lips drew back from his teeth in a silent snarl of hate , and he began to speak .
5 He touched his torn face and his lips drew back in a snarl .
6 His lips drew back .
7 His lips drew back from his teeth .
8 John asked , lips drawn back in a sarcastic sneer .
9 Its mouth was open , its lips drawn back , and it appeared to be grinning .
10 He took the strain like the anchor-man on a rope , pushing hard against his own backward pull — all the power in his leg and all the power in his arms — his face a rictus of effort , his lips drawn back like someone enduring pain .
11 For a moment she did nothing , horrified , her lips drawn back from her teeth , watching how he turned the stump , observing it , his eyes filled with wonder at the thing he had accidentally done .
12 For a long time he remained motionless like this , his body arched backward , his teeth clenched , his lips drawn back in a silent rictus of ecstatic agony .
13 The boy seemed in pain , his lips drawn back from his teeth in what was almost a snarl , his whole body hunched into itself , as if something ate at him from within .
14 Martin charging down on Dobson ; Martin , eyes glaring and lips drawn back in a feral snarl ; Martin , arm raised and baton coming down again and again on Dobson 's head ; Martin , growling savagely at the yobs , daring them to interfere ; Martin , turing angrily as the sergeant pulled the baton from his hand ; finally , Martin , white and shaking , as he looked down disbelievingly at the unconscious Dobson .
15 Defiance made her turn her back , but the sound of a dark laugh sent a chill through her and , jerking her head round , she saw his lips drawn back to reveal a dazzle of predatory teeth .
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