Example sentences of "sufficient ensure [adj] " in BNC.

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1 More than sufficient to ensure spectacular acceleration , even in high gear .
2 Monitoring and review alone are not sufficient to ensure optimal course quality .
3 Fear of the consequences of defeat and the absence of any clear alternative but to continue fighting , especially following the allied stipulation of ‘ unconditional surrender ’ , were sufficient to ensure that .
4 This flowchart is not an exhaustive guide to all FSA considerations but is sufficient to ensure that , if used in conjunction with detailed guidance obtained in unusual circumstances , the correct FSA issues will be considered and procedures followed .
5 On the other hand , these ‘ core ’ support blocs have never been sufficient to ensure either party a parliamentary majority , and although they are still important they have been increasingly eroded at the margin , in part because of the changes in the division of labour which have loosened the hold of the ‘ two-class system ’ within popular ideology .
6 Government accepted responsibility for keeping aggregate monetary demand at a level sufficient to ensure full employment or what was considered as far as possible to constitute full employment ( an unemployment rate of 1% or 2% was considered acceptable ) , and the annual Budget was to be used as the main instrument of economic policy .
7 He argued that even if wages and prices were flexible , aggregate demand would not necessarily be sufficient to ensure full employment .
8 This structure differs from that found for the related H5 histone genes , where less than 150 bp of the proximal promoter region seems to be sufficient to ensure basal level transcription ( 19 ) .
9 Military hardware alone is not sufficient to ensure military victory .
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