Example sentences of "slowly across the " in BNC.

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1 The smoke was drifting slowly across the farm buildings in the still air .
2 Eyes turned as she walked slowly across the room , brushing by this man and that .
3 With that dulled little blade in his right hand , he began drawing it slowly across the inside of his left wrist .
4 Blattern the postman walked slowly across the green , more slowly than ever , whilst Alida waited , twitching at the curtains , and then he paused at their gate before walking past .
5 Someone was moving slowly across the tufted grass .
6 The driver of a Toyota LandCruiser changed gear and drove slowly across the bridge to halt at the roadblock .
7 On the west lawn a large motor mower progressed slowly across the sward shaving off the last half-millimetre of grass before perfection .
8 Glaciers or vast sheets of ice were moving slowly across the lowlands , just 20 000 years ago , at a time when there were only a few primitive humans living in caves in southern Britain .
9 As Lexandro looked through a quatrefoil window in the observatorium of the corvette , what he saw ahead , moving seemingly slowly across the void-gulf far from any suns , more isolated than loneliness itself , was a great glittering leviathan that seemed carved intricately of ice , with fins and ribbed wings and soaring towers whose pinnacles were linked by flying buttresses .
10 Usually , the grating is moved slowly across the field .
11 Silence spread slowly across the supper tables as the hundreds of guests turned to stare at the Rifleman who , in turn , searched the supper tables for a particular person .
12 He went slowly across the room past the bathroom he had just relinquished and found the door beyond that .
13 He slipped out from behind the skip and moved slowly across the concrete floor , the Browning gripped tightly in his hand , his eyes continually darting about him .
14 Taking a deep breath , he walked slowly across the room and sat down in the easy chair directly facing his mother .
15 As he kicked and struggled , it tilted and then , while the rabbits watched from the bank , moved slowly across the pool and grounded on the opposite side .
16 " It is a woman you will be then , Sara Hussey , " she whispered to herself , and lay awake for a long time after , watching a narrow strip of moonlight creep slowly across the wall .
17 Arthur ambled slowly across the lawn .
18 Decked in tasselled yellow howdah cloths and ridden by straw-hatted Annamese mahouts perched straddle-legged behind their ears , a dozen elephants lumbered slowly across the flagstones and lined up before the open doors .
19 A hundred yards ahead a long line of men trotted slowly across the scarred earth towards some shattered trees and broken walls .
20 Great , round clouds rolled slowly across the sky like whales and a chill wind slapped their faces as they clattered along the pavement to Angelo 's Cafe .
21 A few weeks after their visit to the Peristrephic Panorama , her father was rowing her slowly across the serpentine lake on the neighbouring estate of Lord F- .
22 The murdered man 's head fell forwards , and the blood ran slowly across the table , and down onto the floor .
23 After a moment he spotted Jordan , sitting on his tractor , moving slowly across the sky-line , silhouetted against the setting sun .
24 A thick dark blanket of cloud with torn ragged edges was moving slowly across the sky .
25 Slowly across the dusty sky
26 The slow fuse uncoiled like a snake , the assassin pulling it slowly across the floor until the end appeared under the door .
27 He lay in bed all afternoon with the light of the summer sky travelling up the walls and slowly across the ceiling .
28 Theodora watched a large , grey speckled hen parade slowly across the sweep , pause , raise an enquiring eye to the front door and pace on into the shrubbery .
29 The hunchback takes the chair and begins to push it slowly across the grass .
30 For an off trip is much the same , the idea is to keep the boat flat with the bow skimming slowly across the water without too much bow wave and the water leaving the stern very cleanly .
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