Example sentences of "policies aimed [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Federal Republic should take into account that policies aimed at changing borders would not suit any Government in Europe . ’
2 There is no need for taxes , subsidies and public provision ; and so long as property rights already exist , there is no need for energetic policies aimed at shifting them around .
3 So , if we are concerned with what constitutes a just allocation of resources , my prescription , at the very least , would call for policies aimed at ensuring , as far as possible , that everyone had an equal opportunity to enjoy an equal share of the total net welfare of society .
4 Ministries of Health throughout the world , however , have been converted , largely under the influence of doctors , into ministries of illness , in which policies aimed at the maintenance of health and the avoidance of illness have been ignored or left to others , with little understanding of their true nature .
5 However , the social security system has played a central role in these processes as an element of government economic management , particularly where it has been used to support employment policies aimed at the exclusion of increasing numbers of older people from the labour market .
6 Given the concentration of the workforce in the middle age groups , policies aimed at retaining these workers are an urgent priority .
7 Our economic policies in the epoch of so-called ‘ war communism ’ … could not be policies aimed at developing the productive forces .
8 Yet at the same time urban policy in Britain has provided an escape clause that allows British politicians to avoid the implementation of race specific policies aimed at redressing racial inequity .
9 There is thus no technological reason for high levels of unemployment : however , because those actions which government could take to reduce unemployment may be contrary to policies aimed at controlling inflation and policies concerned with maintaining the balance of payments , rapid technological change ( as it is likely to change the rate of investment by business ) may in practice result in increased unemployment .
10 These were accompanied , more importantly , by social policies aimed at encouraging early retirement .
11 In contrast , the few policies aimed at older workers have been positively intended to encourage them to withdraw from the labour market .
12 The Reaganites argued that the ‘ stagflation ’ of the 1970s demonstrated that there was no evidence of a trade-off between unemployment and inflation , and heaped scorn on policies aimed at managing demand or artificially controlling wages and prices .
13 Without exchange rate depreciation the only alternative method of remedying the US trade deficit is for the US federal government to adopt contractionary economic policies aimed at reducing the rate of growth of domestic demand .
14 If the USA were to solve its balance of trade problem by internal deflationary policies aimed at reducing USA demand for imports , then the effect on the exports of the rest of the world would be noticeable and serious .
15 Accordingly , variations in government spending and taxation might provide the best avenue for policies aimed at controlling the level of national income .
16 Nevertheless , without the sense of a common interest , it is clear that democracy itself is at risk , whether from a privileged minority determined to obstruct policies aimed at helping the poor majority , or , as in Northern Ireland , from the forcible incorporation into the state of a minority who do not accept the legitimacy of that state and who are then systematically excluded from power and influence .
17 Nor will this underclass disappear without the implementation of a series of policies aimed at re-establishing full citizenship .
18 This section has been concerned with outlining policies aimed at freeing the underclass from the political , economic and social apartheid into which they are being pushed .
19 There is a clear need for a population-orientated strategy to complement and reinforce policies aimed at local and national economic restructuring , but , as is argued further in the next chapter , if such an approach is to stand a good chance of success much more attention must be given to the improvement of data sets suitable for monitoring population change at regional and urban scales and to the study of the causes and consequences of internal migration .
20 Similarly , a number of housing departments were developing policies aimed at ethnic minority communities , yet only one recognised that disabled people would also be part of such communities .
21 As she points out : Remarkably little research has been carried out on the question of how these filters operate , and by whom they are operated , yet any policies aimed at harmonizing the interests of agriculture , conservation and recreation in the countryside must be based upon an understanding of this problem .
22 Policies aimed at reducing the wages of the lower paid have included :
23 The unsuccessful policies aimed at reducing the level of direct taxation ( Gamble , 1988 ) intended to create an ‘ enterprise culture ’ .
24 However , it has long been argued whether , for countries wishing to moderate population growth through fertility reduction , it is more efficient to invest the available meagre resources in primary health care programmes that , through reducing infant and child mortality , may have a secondary effect on fertility or , to promote policies aimed at healthful childbearing patterns that will reduce fertility and also have an indirect beneficial impact on maternal and child health .
25 By building a macroeconomic model on these foundations , the investigator can then study the reaction of wages , profits and employment to different economic policies aimed at aggregate demand or labour market imperfections .
26 Energy Ministers from 21 countries , meeting as the governing board of the International Energy Agency , agreed on May 30 , 1989 , on a range of policies aimed at curbing the greenhouse effect .
27 The final document stressed the relationship between political pluralism and market economies and committed the 35 member nations to " endeavour to achieve " ( i ) free and competitive market economies with prices based on supply and demand ; ( ii ) fiscal and monetary policies which promoted economic growth and enhanced the ability of markets to function efficiently ; ( iii ) policies aimed at expanding the free flow of trade , capital and investment ; and ( iv ) the repatriation of profits in convertible currencies .
28 In his memorandum Aziz accused Kuwait of having deliberately pursued policies aimed at weakening Iraq during the latter 's eight-year war with Iran .
29 In a marked change of tone from the hard-line anti-inflation communiqués of recent years , the declaration expressed concern about fast-rising unemployment in the West and pledged to adopt policies aimed at job creation .
30 By 1944 public concern that there should be no repetition of the errors of that period resulted in a government commitment to pursue peacetime policies aimed at maintaining a high and stable level of employment .
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