Example sentences of "led [prep] former " in BNC.

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1 It trained , armed and gave financial support to the Contras , a motley group of opponents of the Sandinistas , led by former Somocista National Guards .
2 There are 10 French men in the 26-strong squad , led by former international fly-half Didier Camberabero .
3 Led by former Price Waterhouse chartered accountant Paul Massey , BSM is now expanding considerably , although it has had to delay its stock market flotation .
4 The band , led by former music journalist Chris Roberts , are currently considering offers from several other labels .
5 The revolution of 1983 led by former President Thomas Sankara brought a new direction .
6 The Grenada United Labour Party ( GULP ) , led by former Prime Minister Sir Eric Gairy , won four seats ( having had no representation in the previous parliament ) .
7 Two seats each went to The National Party ( TNP ) , led by acting Prime Minister Ben Jones ( five seats hitherto ) , and to the New National Party ( NNP ) , led by former Public Works Minister Keith Mitchell ( three seats hitherto ) .
8 The opposition social democratic New Antillean Movement ( Movimento Antijas Nobo — MAN ) , led by former Prime Minister Domenico ( Don ) Martina , won two seats ( four in 1985 ) .
9 These were the hardline communist HSWP — 3.68 per cent ; the Hungarian Social Democratic Party — 3.55 per cent ( launched in March 1989 and led by Anna Petrasovits — see p. 36939 ) ; the communist-orientated Agrarian Alliance — 3.15 per cent ; the Entrepreneurs ' Party — 1.89 per cent ( formed in August 1989 — ibid. ) ; the Patriotic Electoral Coalition — 1.87 per cent ( broadly of socialist persuasion and led by Kálmán Kulcsár , Minister of Justice ) ; and the Hungarian People 's Party — 0.76 per cent ( a successor to the National Peasant League and led by former HDF leader Gyula Fekete — ibid . ) .
10 Support for the BSP , led by former BCP ideology chief Alexander Lilov , was strongest in the countryside , where communists in local party or mayoral offices still dominated politics .
11 Although it was unable to veto legislation , the Liberal majority in the Senate — led by former Deputy Prime Minister Allan MacEachan — blocked a key piece of government legislation : a bill to implement the highly unpopular goods and services tax ( GST ) , a new 7 per cent value added tax due to take effect on Jan. 1 , 1991 .
12 The report also suggested that a back-stage role in the process was being played by senior retired Egyptian and US officials ( the latter led by former US President Jimmy Carter 's Secretary of State Cyrus Vance , who visited Syria and Israel in January ) .
13 The government rejected an offer from the alleged Cali drug cartel leader Jorge Luis Ochoa to mediate their release , but an unofficial " Committee of Leading Citizens " led by former President Alfonso Lopez was reported to be trying to arrange talks between the cartels and the government .
14 The four parties were the National Union for Democracy and Progress ( UNDP ) , led by former President Emile Derlin Zinsou ( who returned from in exile in Paris on Feb. 7 — see also p. 37239 ) , the Dahomean Democratic Rally ( RDD ) , led by former President Hubert Maga , the Dahomean Democratic Union ( UDD subsequently renamed the National Front for Democracy — FND ) , led by former President Justin Tometin Ahomadegbe , and the Democratic Republican Movement ( MDR ) , led until his death in Paris on Dec. 3 , 1989 , by former President Sourou Migan Apithy , and then by Joseph Adjigon Keke .
15 The four parties were the National Union for Democracy and Progress ( UNDP ) , led by former President Emile Derlin Zinsou ( who returned from in exile in Paris on Feb. 7 — see also p. 37239 ) , the Dahomean Democratic Rally ( RDD ) , led by former President Hubert Maga , the Dahomean Democratic Union ( UDD subsequently renamed the National Front for Democracy — FND ) , led by former President Justin Tometin Ahomadegbe , and the Democratic Republican Movement ( MDR ) , led until his death in Paris on Dec. 3 , 1989 , by former President Sourou Migan Apithy , and then by Joseph Adjigon Keke .
16 The four parties were the National Union for Democracy and Progress ( UNDP ) , led by former President Emile Derlin Zinsou ( who returned from in exile in Paris on Feb. 7 — see also p. 37239 ) , the Dahomean Democratic Rally ( RDD ) , led by former President Hubert Maga , the Dahomean Democratic Union ( UDD subsequently renamed the National Front for Democracy — FND ) , led by former President Justin Tometin Ahomadegbe , and the Democratic Republican Movement ( MDR ) , led until his death in Paris on Dec. 3 , 1989 , by former President Sourou Migan Apithy , and then by Joseph Adjigon Keke .
17 The Barbados Labour Party ( BLP ) , led by former Foreign Minister Henry Forde , increased its share of the vote from 40 to 44 per cent and boosted its representation from three to 10 seats .
18 The Nepal Praja Parishad , led by Tanka Prasad Acharya ( Prime Minister 1956-57 ) , and the Nepali National Congress , led by former Foreign Minister Dilli Raman Regmi , formed a " United Front " on Feb. 20 [ for merger of two major factions of the Nepal Communist Party in January 1991 see pp. 37965-66 ] .
19 Parti social-démocrate ( PSD — Social Democratic Party , led by former Interior Minister André Resampa ) ; AMFM-3FM ( led by Andrianalijoana Andriamanmapy ) ; Mouvement des démocrates chrétiens malgaches ( Christian Democratic Movement , led by Jean-Jacques Rakotoniaina ) ; Union nationale pour la démocratie et le développement ( UNDD — National Union for Democracy and Development , led by Zafy Albert ) ; Mouvement pour le pouvoir prolétarien/Mpitolona ho amin'ny Fanjakana ny Madinika ( MFM — Movement for Proletarian Power ; centre-left , led by Manandafy Rakotonirina ) ; Vonjy Irai Tsy Mivaki ( VITM or Vonjy — Popular Movement for National Unity ; centre-right ) ; Madagaskira Ottronin'ny Malagasy/Monima ka Miviombio ( Monima-K — Madagascar for the Malagasy , conservative , led by Monja Jaona ) .
20 Dissident former members of Jugnauth 's MSM , led by former Finance Minister Vishnu Lutchmeenaraidoo , were expected to form their own party .
21 The attempt was said to have been led by former Minister of Territorial Administration Maj. Lamine Diabira ; eight other officers were reported to have been arrested .
22 Most conspicuous was the creation on March 13 of France Tomorrow ( Demain la France ) , led by former ministers Charles Pasqua and Philippe Séguin .
23 The National Progressive Party ( NPP ) led by former civil servant Reuben Meade , formed only the previous month , achieved a comprehensive victory in the general election held on Oct. 8 .
24 On Sept. 29 President Ochirbat appointed two advisory institutions : a 23-member Civil Council , led by former Prime Minister , Sharavyn Gungaadorj , and a 24-member Scholarly Council , led by an economist , Budsuren Tumen [ see p. 37778 ] .
25 The second-largest DLP faction , that led by former opposition leader Kim Young Sam , maintained its dominance in Pusan , but saw many of its candidates defeated in Seoul and elsewhere .
26 Shah 's appointment came amid major realignments within the country 's ruling Islamic Democratic Alliance ( IDA ) which resulted in the expulsion on March 19 of one of its constituent parties , the National People 's Party ( NPP ) , led by former Prime Minister Ghulam Mustapha Jatoi .
27 Meanwhile , the NSF led by former Prime Minister Petre Roman elected a new executive bureau on April 9 and condemned the NSF-22 December branch , saying that it did not exist as a party , but only " expressed an intention " .
28 On June 4 Ahmed Ben Bella , a former President of Algeria and leader of the Movement for Democracy in Algerian ( MDA ) , formulated a common position with seven other parties , including the Algerian Movement for Justice and Development ( MAJD ) led by former Prime Minister Kasdi Merbah and the Party of Algerian Renewal ( PRA ) led by Noureddine Boukrouh .
29 De Venecia was supported by the Lakas-NUCD , 48 members of the National People 's Coalition ( NPC ) , led by former Marcos crony Eduardo Cojuangco , 15 members of the Liberal Party , and 33 of the 87 lower house members of the LDP .
30 However , the Russian Democratic Reform Movement led by former mayor of Moscow Gavriil Popov , a participant in the July 4 meeting , did not join the bloc .
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