Example sentences of "lack [prep] confidence " in BNC.

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1 Lack of confidence often results in the pilot playing it safe with extra height , instead of making an effort to rely on his own judgement .
2 The reason for the apparent lack of confidence was clearly the fact that Elsworth had suspended operations for some while because of coughing in his yard and had not had a winner for almost six weeks .
3 Here , lack of confidence was at fault more than anything else .
4 Nor could leaders of the Conservative party offer active support for the idea , for it implied lack of confidence in the leadership of Baldwin no less than in that of MacDonald .
5 For someone who seems so firmly in control of his career , Jonathon Morris claims a surprising lack of confidence when it comes to his personal appearance .
6 Mr Keith Vaz , a Labour member of the committee said : ‘ There is still a lack of confidence in the police force among black and Asian people .
7 The problem is , therefore , one of lack of confidence between the governments of the two states .
8 Macmillan was not unaware of the stresses and strains that Sandys ' Reformation had caused in Whitehall ; nor of the lack of confidence that had grown up between Sandys and his principal advisers , the Chiefs of Staff .
9 Ties emblazoned with designer logos can spell a lot of money and a lack of confidence in one 's own taste .
10 It 's not necessary and is a reflection of the Prime Minister 's lack of confidence and inexperience . ’
11 This lack of confidence in Mr Kinnock is evidently shared by the people running Labour 's campaign .
12 The lack of confidence engendered by such a barren run was all to evident , as Tottenham soon set about imposing themselves on this unremarkable match .
13 When Labour faced the polls in October 1990 , it was reduced to a 29-seat rump in the 99-seat parliament , caused , analysts agreed , by the electorate 's lack of confidence in the reforms and distaste for the social cost .
14 He admitted that Unisys 's sales have suffered from a lack of confidence among customers about its financial situation .
15 Such experiences have led to a lack of confidence in the possibility of resolving problems .
16 In her words ‘ I find myself blaming this for my self-hate , my lack of confidence , my feeling of , ‘ how can anyone love me ’ ’ She had kept this a secret and this was the first time it had been put on paper .
17 Where the public lack of confidence focuses on teaching competence and it 's justified then all steps possible should be taken to provide additional training and guidance .
18 I refused to pray , telling myself that doing so would demonstrate a lack of confidence in God .
19 This shyness can stem both from personality and lack of confidence .
20 It could be that your lack of confidence is connected with work .
21 It could be that your lack of confidence concerns home life ; perhaps you hate people coming to see you because your home is not beautiful — or perhaps it is never tidy .
22 Communicating : problems experienced by handicapped people or those suffering from lack of confidence or a speech impediment .
23 In addition , the use of local filing systems , taken as a sign of lack of confidence in the Registry , led to duplication of items of common interest , and , pragmatically , inefficient utilisation of office accommodation for storing files .
24 Pamela 's lack of confidence in her academic ability and her feeling that she was letting her parents down ( 10 months ) .
25 It could not have done so had there not been considerable lack of confidence in these other analgesics and the 80 or so non-steroidal anti-inflammatories use to treat arthritis .
26 This will encourage undesirable qualities such as frustration , anger , lack of confidence and a general feeling of dissatisfaction with life in general .
27 Highly ambitious , but not a high achiever , Modesty and a lack of confidence have kept her at the Post Office ‘ instead of earning twice as much as Lord Hanson ’ .
28 The next few years saw her and Ross out with this band of fun boaters and future rodeo aficionados though Lesley remembers having spent much of these early years bobbing about in the boils on the edge of the rough stuff , a result of lack of confidence in her own ability and perhaps not being pushed to perform by the guys in the group as much as they would each other .
29 Lack of confidence in some of the basic traditional values leading to loss of direction and/or discontent .
30 Stooping shoulders and rounded back are placatory signals and imply a dangerous lack of confidence .
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