Example sentences of "eye [prep] eye " in BNC.

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2 They stared at each other , a foot apart , eye into eye , the battered urchin from next door now a beautiful young woman in a gown by Patou , and the beautiful young woman from Paris now a battered old woman in much-mended peignoir .
3 EYE TO EYE : Diana launching an anti-drug abuse project with the Rev Esme Beswick yesterday
4 Eye to eye , they kissed — on the cheek — and parted .
5 He said he could not serve on that sub-committeee ( consisting of Brian Close , Bob Appleyard , Phil Sharpe , Bryan Stott , Tony Woodhouse ) ‘ when I do not see eye to eye with them on any subject ’ .
6 EYE TO EYE with obsessive traveller Mark Shand
7 Eye to eye Mark Shand
8 He waited until Berthon — with whom Rudd had never seen eye to eye — took a holiday and grafted a new front end on to Jean Behra 's car .
9 C : So on the overseas-darkie-star issue , suddenly you and Fred Trueman see eye to eye ?
10 Somewhere along the line , Cat and Prince 's Paisley Park organisation could n't see eye to eye .
11 Fear spurted up into his mouth but he managed to hold the gaze , eye to eye .
12 THOSE keen environmentalists , Richard Branson and Sir James Goldsmith , are no longer seeing eye to eye .
13 ‘ It was an extremely popular programme and we always saw eye to eye about it .
14 Ted and I will never see eye to eye about his clients , whom he likes , respects and positively enjoys dragging over hills to bag stags , whereas I loathe these numbskulls who think killing is ‘ sport ’ .
15 The trouble is , we do n't see eye to eye , or , more correctly , our minds move in different channels .
16 Sampson and Clarke certainly did not see ‘ eye to eye ’ and they had the utmost contempt for each other as cricketers .
17 Occasionally it can be achieved by two very different people who may not see eye to eye on a lot of things , but who are determined to try to respect and understand each other for the sake of the man they both love .
18 In Maui a woman hangs suspended in the Pacific depths , eye to eye with the great humpback whales of Hawaii .
19 Both sexes have a ‘ chin strap ’ which is made up of black and white and runs from eye to eye .
20 My wife and I could never see eye to eye on the business of living .
21 Typescripts photocopied and distributed that carried the rivulet of dissent from eye to eye for the few who trusted in a future of change and the ultimate destruction of the monolith that controlled their lives .
22 He had the Intelligence and the Security and the Branch all burrowing in their computers for an Englishman called Colt who wiped people for the cause of the Republic of Iraq , and he had sweet nothing to do , unless he went eye to eye with the mysteries of the thermostat .
23 ‘ We do n't always see eye to eye , ’ Marler reflected , blowing smoke circles , ‘ Newman and I. But he 's had a tough time , I 'll give him that . ’
24 America , Britain and France do not see eye to eye .
25 They gazed expressionlessly at us , eye to eye , as we waited to be inspected .
26 Men sheltering under a tarpaulin gazed expressionlessly at us , eye to eye
28 We may not have always seen eye to eye in the past but I have great respect for him nevertheless . ’
29 As Bailey said , the two of them never saw eye to eye .
30 And if an objective moral standard is thrown over , what is to stop the majority in society — or even a minority in power — from putting away in a mental institution those who do not see eye to eye with them until they are " cured " ?
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