Example sentences of "campaign aimed [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Following the appointment of a new Minister of Tourism , the Jordanian Tourism Consortia , which incorporates hoteliers , tour operators and transport companies , is preparing a marketing campaign aimed at luring back some of the missing millions of tourists and business travellers , particularly from nearby Arab states .
2 ENGINEERING employers are mounting a tactical offensive to cripple the union selective strike campaign aimed at winning an industry-wide hours cut for two million workers .
3 THE Health Education Authority is spending thousand of pounds on an anti-Aids campaign aimed at Asians — although its figures show that only one per cent of victims are Asian or Oriental .
4 This is not to deny that cliques and ‘ school gate agitators ’ sometimes operate with the sole intention of fermenting a campaign aimed at causing damage to the reputation of an individual or the school .
5 It would be just as easy for a group of primary schools to pool their efforts and resources in spearheading a joint campaign aimed at both local and national industry .
6 On 21 May the RSPB is launching a campaign aimed at achieving a total ban on the import of wild-caught birds into Europe .
7 Compaq Computer Corp will begin direct sales — mail order — of its personal computers on March 22 : the ProLinea , Deskpro and Contura lines and various applications will be sold by phone : it will sell via a toll-free telephone number and through a direct mail campaign aimed at US small business — it is mailing over 2m of its catalogues .
8 In the run up , DEC will put in place a campaign aimed at independent software vendors , OEMs and other technology partners which will stress the ability to run the catalogue of Unix SVR4 applications on the personality , plus OSF/1 software , from within the same environment .
9 The campaign aimed at the general population had been right at a time when there was ignorance about AIDS , she said .
10 ‘ Europe against cancer ’ is a campaign aimed at reducing the number of deaths from cancer by 15% by the year 2000 .
11 For example , advertising may support a campaign to drink more lager with an in-pub promotion organized by the public relations team — or a health education advertising campaign aimed at children may be supported by a public relations programme of activities in schools .
12 In parallel with the fresh crusade directed at politicians in the present election run-up , the Fnac last week launched a F5m campaign aimed at young people , the section of the public the store group says is most discouraged by current book prices .
13 Editor , — The rate of the sudden infant death syndrome in Scotland fell before the national campaign aimed at reducing the prevalence of the prone sleeping position .
14 As governor , Somes was the figurehead for an aggressive and ruthless campaign aimed at securing government recognition for the New Zealand Company .
15 One way of reassuring the thousands of well-behaved fans , who might well be turned away for ever , is to back up disciplinary action with a publicity campaign aimed at showing the better side of club football .
16 As part of an intensive campaign aimed at seat belt offences in June 1992 , infants have been specifically targeted and the responsibility of adults forcefully presented .
17 The latter part of 1992 will see the development of a ‘ Steady as You Go ’ campaign aimed at elderly bus users .
18 The Department of Health intends to screen the ads on RTE as part of a national campaign aimed at preventing the spread of AIDS .
19 The small right-wing Car Party ( APS/PSA ) , originally a party defending motorists ' rights , increased its representation after a campaign aimed at curbing immigration .
20 In further Sendero attacks , three police officers and two civilians were killed in the town of Manaso , in the southern department of Puno , in the first week of December and 20 " dog bombs " ( high explosives attached to dogs ) were exploded in Lima on Dec. 26-27 , in what was seen as a campaign aimed at local officials .
21 A new publicity campaign aimed at lightening the load of those who have to manually handle goods at work — the biggest single group who suffer work-related accidents has been launched by the Health and Safety Executive ( HSE ) .
22 A boycott campaign aimed at hitting Timex products is set to be wound up .
23 The Authority , which has recently renamed itself AEA Technology in an attempt to market its skills in the private sector , is launching an intense campaign aimed at the government , the Labour Party and respective energy advisers .
24 The agrochemicals industry has launched a national clean-up campaign aimed at removing toxic and obsolete pesticides from farmland .
25 The Japanese Fisheries Association has launched a £36,000 campaign aimed at persuading the US government that driftnets are not as environmentally destructive as reported by its scientists .
26 Energy-saving campaign aimed at householders
27 So the Department of Health has started a campaign aimed at young people and parents .
28 Adrian Moorhouse — now a consultant with the Amateur Swimming Association — has been in Gloucester as part of Swim 2 000 , a national campaign aimed at nurturing young talent .
29 Readers will remember my telling them of British Coal 's current advertising campaign aimed at convincing the power generators to place any future contracts with it .
30 The shadow social security secretary , Donald Dewar , and Labour 's Scottish affairs spokesman , Henry McLeish , described their anger at the worsening situation when unveiling a rolling campaign aimed at highlighting the rising level of poverty across Scotland .
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