Example sentences of "put forward for " in BNC.

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1 Soon after this , his name was put forward for the Jamaican Senate and he became a member , but although he attended regularly it was not something he took to .
2 The proposal to move the top four Welsh teams into the English system , which has the backing of the West League committee , will be put forward for ratification at area meetings for clubs later this month .
3 Many and varied reasons have been put forward for this basic element of practice , but they can be summarized under three headings : ideological reasons ( the right of a person to decide for himself or the recognition of this as an existential reality ) , educational and developmental reasons ( participation as part of human growth and development , for the individual , the family , the group , the organization or the community ) , and political reasons ( participation as a means to enfranchisement and empowerment , an antidote to alienation ) ( Ross , 1960 ; Bernstein , 1960 ; Katan , 1980 ; Freedberg , 1989 ; Rothman , 1989 ) .
4 Proposals were put forward for new houses and development around the barn ; but because the barn itself was ignored , there were fears for its future .
5 Smoking : Many reasons are currently being put forward for giving up smoking and all of them are valid .
6 What arguments , or reasons , would the directors have put forward for closing a dozen old works far up the valleys , at 300 m altitude , and building two new ones on the coast , at Port Talbot and , perhaps , at Cardiff ?
7 But no justification is put forward for the selection of subjects .
8 In September 1943 , an additional requirement was put forward for 10 more identical trains , the LMS to provide four .
9 Rules and prohibitions are best accepted and obeyed when they are kept to a minimum and when good reasons are put forward for abiding by them .
10 It is an hypothesis put forward for acceptance or rejection by any individual , and at this stage of this book , acceptance will , most probably , be only tentative .
11 Then it is back to monthly meetings as the money begins to come in and ideas are put forward for the following year .
12 The six whose names have been put forward for election have to be informed before election night , as they have to agree to take on this responsible job and they must be there on the night to take the oath before the close of the meeting .
13 Proposals agreed to by European finance ministers in June will be put forward for full approval this month .
14 The same positive arguments can be put forward for other types of weekly-collection credit .
15 The idea of providing proper station buildings was not forgotten , however , in 1988 , planning began in the hope of attracting grant aid and alternative designs were put forward for a new building .
16 He had never flown in anything other than a Tiger Moth so her requested that his name be put forward for a short Washington sortie .
17 Many arguments have been put forward for a family perspective or policy statements to counter the apparently poor ‘ fit ’ between much existing social policy and significant social change ( Henwood and Wicks , 1988 ) .
18 In 1960 a major proposal was put forward for a British and Commonwealth programme by a consortium of Britain 's main aerospace and electronics companies — called the British Space Development Company ( BSDC ) .
19 This chapter will look at the different explanations that have been put forward for girls ' 'failure' in education , and at some of the research that has been done in this area .
20 The first attempt was put forward for consultation : A Framework for the School Curriculum .
21 Here again I respectfully agree with the observations made by Lord Donaldson M.R. , at pp. 324–325 , and by Neill L.J. , at pp. 326–327 , when rejecting the proprietary argument , which had not been advanced before Wright J. but which had rightly to be considered when it was put forward for the first time in the Court of Appeal .
22 This topic is the subject of the Consultation Paper No. 120 published by the Law Commission last year , in which serious criticisms of the rule of non-recovery are rehearsed and developed , and proposals for its abolition are put forward for discussion .
23 Various explanations have been put forward for the existence of such large , complex setts and the presence of outlier setts .
24 All the COI 's current agencies are being put forward for inclusion , but are not guaranteed a place .
25 A friend of G. Lytton Strachey and J. Maynard ( later Baron ) Keynes [ qq.v. ] , he was not an ‘ Apostle ’ himself , although his name was put forward for election to the society .
26 A third draft of the document is now being produced and this will go through the Institute 's approval procedures before being put forward for ratification by National Council in October .
27 Suggestions were put forward for possible entertainers .
28 Like any other scientific theory , it may initially be put forward for aesthetic or metaphysical reasons , but the real test is whether it makes predictions that agree with observation .
29 In Western Europe the idea of attack by columns in close formation seems to have been put forward for the first time by the Chevalier de Folard in his Nouvelles Découvertes sur la Guerre ( 1724 ) .
30 Suggestions were put forward for possible entertainers .
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