Example sentences of "better left to " in BNC.

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1 British strategists decided the tribes were better left to themselves in ‘ human nature reserves ’ , to use the words of one military diarist of the time .
2 Since the main argument for authority depends on such factors it is impossible to generalize and indicate an area of government regulation which is better left to individuals .
3 Despite those veterans seen in the marathons , jogging is tough on the joints and better left to the young and the truly athletic .
4 He and his colleagues were understandably concerned about the lack of evidence to support the beneficial claims of holistic medicine , but Dr Richards , who thought much evidence could be produced if funds were available , sagely remarked that ‘ absence of evidence is not evidence of absence ’ , a remark that lingered after a discussion that would have been better if longer and better left to the end of this excellent series .
5 Women who could carry a child under each arm on a day 's shopping trip were told they were not strong enough to do men 's work ; that lifting and lugging were better left to the lads after all .
6 Maybe some things were better left to the natural course of time .
7 There is a tendency among corporate law scholars to dismiss the debate about the nature of the company and corporate personality as too rarefied and speculative an enquiry better left to properly qualified jurisprudential writers .
8 They contend that the allocation of valuable property rights in information would be better left to private contractual negotiations rather than formal law .
9 They finish with a rather ham ‘ Ballad Of John And Yoko ’ , a song better left to their contemporaries but we can forgive them one indiscretion .
10 Perhaps she said things that would have been better left to silence .
11 The concept of public interest , so essential to the concept of charity , is an inherently vague and subjective concept , not suitable for statute but better left to judicial discretion within the normal judicial constraints .
12 The Government generally take the view that matters of pay and hours are better left to negotiation between employers and employees , or by their representatives , and that they should certainly not be dealt with in legislation or in codes of practice provided for in statute .
13 It is very complexed and probably better left to a qualified solicitor .
14 They finish with a rather ham ‘ Ballad Of John And Yoko ’ , a song better left to their contemporaries but we can forgive them one indiscretion .
15 Arguments over the validity of the notice and justification of the motives of the partners serving it are better left to an appropriate tribunal ( judge , arbitrator or mediator ) than carried on in acrimonious correspondence .
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