Example sentences of "better adapt to " in BNC.

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1 Organisation development ‘ is a complex educational strategy intended to change the beliefs , attitudes , values and structure of organisations so that they can better adapt to new technologies , markets and challenges and to the dizzying rate of change itself . ’
2 The independent Red Army press was rather better adapted to its readership .
3 Here we have the notion that as the system of technology ( the domestication of animals and the formation of herds ) develops , it becomes incompatible with the social system , especially the system of inheritance and familial authority , This growing incompatibility , or contradiction , then leads to a revolutionary change in the social system , in this case the change to father right , a system which according to Morgan and Engels was better adapted to pastoralism .
4 This reaction attributed evolution to pure chance and held the opinion that complex animals could not be considered better adapted to their environments than more lowly forms : all represented degrees of specialization .
5 Add to this the change in orientation of the legs in many reptiles , which can be used in an efficient running action , unlike the ungainly waddling of the amphibians and it will be apparent why the reptiles were better adapted to terrestrial life than the amphibians , and why they largely displaced them .
6 It seems to follow from Darwin 's ideas that as the generations pass , so the organisms in a particular line of descent ( lineage ) must become better and better adapted to the prevailing conditions .
7 If this interpretation is correct , curriculum managers who wish to manage the curriculum in the sense of modifying it so that it is better adapted to the needs of real children and a real society , will be best advised not simply to resist and criticise , but rather to use the power that many people at all levels of the system actually have .
8 Although triticale will never replace wheat , it is a vitally important addition to the armoury needed to defeat famine , precisely because it is so much better adapted to the marginal lands on which so many of the poor and hungry live .
9 To take a single example , it is reported that the grandchildren of the first European colonists of North America already had eyelid-shapes tending towards those of the Red Indians , which were better adapted to looking out over vast spaces in bright sunlight .
10 There can be no doubt that this new ideal was much better adapted to the intellectual and material developments in western Europe after 1050 than the old monastically oriented society of the earlier period .
11 Any species must eventually become extinct ; for changes in local conditions will sooner or later allow other species better adapted to the changed conditions to invade and conquer in the struggle for existence .
12 So far as the finger-work or typesetting goes , she is as quick or quicker than a man ? — They say she is more deft and better adapted to it " ( a trade unionist ) .
13 Greek artists always preferred to combine vigour with fine finish , and red figure proved better adapted to that ideal .
14 Each species ' range is determined by the area within which it can outbreed potential rivals because it is better adapted to that set of conditions :
15 The most generally accepted mechanism of evolutionary change is the modern version of Darwinian natural selection , based on the simple propositions that ( a ) like begets like , though with minor , essentially chance , variations ; ( b ) all organisms are capable of producing more offspring than actually can survive to maturity and reproduce in their turn ; ( c ) those offspring that do survive to reproduce must in some way be variants that are better adapted to their environment than those that fail ; and ( d ) those favoured variants are likely to reproduce the favourable variation in their own offspring .
16 " With his characteristic forthrightness — perhaps better adapted to engineering projects than affairs of the heart — he started his investigations " wrote his son later .
17 Monteverdi 's Vespers were of course quite exceptional , yet common Venetian and North Italian practices were better adapted to the expression of human emotion than of transcendental faith .
18 The larger , Q-beta RNA molecules are less well adapted to a test-tube environment but better adapted to the environment provided by E.coli cells .
19 Evolution does not always make creatures more complex , more intelligent , bigger , better adapted to their environment , or whatever .
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