Example sentences of "better suit [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But as Storr demonstrates with the aid of two stunningly beautiful passages from Churchill 's early novel Savrola , the pen was better suited to delineating the bleak impotence he felt at his innermost core .
2 His forecasting staff in the Treasury might have been better suited to dreaming up horoscopes , and at times officials seem to have been deliberately distorting figures for political ends .
3 A technical problem such as this raises interesting methodological questions , because it forces one to ask which style of research is better suited to overcoming respondents ' resistance and suspicion , especially when talking about sensitive and controversial topics .
4 The view is widespread among the senior officers we talked to , and among ordinary policemen , that policewomen , as women , have instincts and capabilities which make them better suited to specific types of police work .
5 Hence some policewomen deliberately seek out desk jobs — secretaries with uniforms , as someone described them — or jobs as drivers , in juvenile liaison , or in units which deal with sex crimes , because they see themselves as better suited to this type of work .
6 A senior female officer explained to an assembly of policewomen who were being trained in how to operate a casualty bureau that they were better suited to operating the telephones because of their ‘ good manners and compassionate nature ’ ( FN 29/5/87 , p. 2 ) .
7 The serious economic problems facing Britain following the slump of 1929 , and the seeming inability of any one party to offer a way out , together with the parliamentary deadlock , led many to ask whether a combination of like-minded politicians from different parties might not prove better suited to resolving Britain 's problems than any single-party government .
8 There , with names like Reichensteiner , Huxelrube , Faber and Bacchus , we find grapes better suited to our growing conditions .
9 And of the proposed Mansion House Square project , he went on , ‘ It would be a tragedy if the character and skyline of our capital city were to be further ruined and St Paul 's dwarfed by yet another giant glass stump better suited to downtown Chicago than to the City of London . ’
10 I liked him , but he and Angela are — were — better suited to each other . ’
11 On the evidence of this book , he is far better suited to winning the election than to succeeding in the presidency .
12 Almost six feet eight inches ( 2 metres ) tall , he seemed larger than life in most of his actions , blond , handsome , with great charisma that was much better suited to the Test arena than to the county grind ; a Test batting average of 40 compared to a career average of 31 shows this perfectly .
13 If there is a publication anywhere in the world better suited to the twelve-year-old-boy mentality , I ca n't imagine what it is .
14 The origins of this marital-rape exemption seem to lie in the notion that the wife is the husband 's property , or that the wife promises intercourse on demand , but it has been defended in modern times on the basis that such cases raise essentially family matters , better suited to examination in a non-criminal court , and that in any case proof would be difficult .
15 The system is a heavy user of both men and machines and so is probably better suited to contractors and larger farmers .
16 It does give high work rates , but is probably better suited to larger farmers and contractors .
17 Organisers are frequently met with what appears to be rigid rules — ‘ We always have a five foot aisle , sir , it 's all we need ’ — when in fact the reality should be far more flexible , better suited to your particular needs and safer too .
18 ‘ Perhaps they are just better suited to this sort of race and these headwinds , ’ added the man with a house 50 yards from the Thames at Putney .
19 The tournament moves to Wembley today and Wright believes that this will prove to be to her advantage because the Perspex court is better suited to her slower style of play .
20 Ian McKellen is better suited to small spaces than large ones , because a lot of what he does involves gesture , expression and nuance of voice .
21 Their use is therefore better suited to environments such as the rhizosphere/soil , protected crops , or tropical conditions ( eg paddy fields ) , where the water potential is likely to be more amenable to spore germination and growth .
22 You could easily find something better suited to your talents — become a Member of Parliament , or something .
23 ‘ Normal ’ life was not lived there , but it continued to exist in surroundings which were less elegant , while remaining better suited to the everyday needs of the city 's inhabitants .
24 SAVE and many others ( including the prince of Wales who compared the proposed building to ‘ a glass stump better suited to downtown Chicago ’ ) believed the new scheme would be simply disastrous .
25 The manic international campaign to prevent publication of Peter Wright 's Spycatcher advertised to the world an obsession with secrecy that seemed better suited to the other side of the Iron Curtain .
26 His clothes were better suited to the air-conditioned discotheques of Algiers .
27 This makes the sail better suited to both light and strong winds .
28 ‘ That 's why her style is better suited to a Policy Unit that is hers rather than to a CPRS which serves the Cabinet . ’
29 Moreover , Cochrane et al. believe that there is considerable potential for increased productivity as new cultivars are developed that are better suited to the relatively poor soils and if irrigation is extended , especially in Brazil .
30 ‘ That 's certainly needed , ’ said Karelius , ‘ but I 'd have thought infantry better suited to the job .
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