Example sentences of "to find a job " in BNC.

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1 Nowadays the holding of dances , raffles , and pub talks along with the fixture has pushed up the sums enormously , although if inflation and house prices are taken into account even £50,000 or over is hardly a fortune for a man who has to find a job and keep a family .
2 His remarks came as Labour employment spokesman , Mr Henry McLeish , denied reports that the party was considering replacing the automatic payment of welfare benefits with a policy which would require many unemployed either to find a job or to accept full-time training or higher education .
3 The review argues that Restart courses , under which the long-term unemployed are interviewed about their efforts to find a job , should be subject to benefit sanctions to widen take-up , ‘ especially among those too demotivated to volunteer ’ .
4 It was , doubtless , agreeable for Mary Smith to become more Mary Smith , but that process did not enable her to find a job or make a living .
5 In fact , his parents discouraged Gedge , especially when they suspected it was infringing on his studies and attempts to find a job .
6 It is easier to find a job when you are in work than out of it .
7 However , for the last 6 months or so he had ceased to make regular efforts to find a job .
8 Finally , after Green died , Dorothy Wordsworth helped Green 's son to find a job .
9 Fatalism is the order of the day — and if your best efforts have failed to find a job , it 's understandable that you might feel fatalistic .
10 With Uncle 's help we all struggled on after he died , and when I got a bit older and left school it was not possible for me to contemplate leaving home to find a job and a new life outside Baldersdale .
11 ‘ I want to find a job that I really love . ’
12 Having developed such plant-specific skills , a worker will not be in a position to find a job of equivalent pay elsewhere , and so this factor , too , ‘ integrates ’ the worker into the plant , in the sense Mallet uses the term .
13 Ruth had been fortunate enough to find a job in Ilkley .
14 The blonde teenager , who had set her heart on becoming a hairdresser , was also upset at failing to find a job .
15 He was desperate to find a job .
16 There seemed nothing left for him to do but go back to London , provide Fiona with some trumped-up evidence of adultery by spending the night with a prostitute — something he had never done before — and try to find a job .
17 ‘ I need to find a job and support myself .
18 Another American film of that year , A Workingman 's Dream , has a very weary hero who fails to find a job at a factory ; he falls asleep and dreams of a Professor Wonderful who offers him instant wealth and a new set of clothes , but he is told that these new gains will disappear if he breaks certain simple instructions ; on three occasions he accidentally carries out simple actions which break the instructions and his wealth disappears ; he wakes up to see an ambulance taking a worker from the factory — there is a vacancy and this time his application is successful .
19 It can be seen that this was a way of ‘ blaming the victim ’ : it seems as though the young person had failed to find a job because they had not filled in the application form properly or were too untidy , rather than because there were not enough jobs .
20 It restricts the mobility of workers and so keeps unemployment higher than it need be : people who own their homes are less willing to move to another area to find a job .
21 I wanted to find a job which was basic rather than peripheral .
22 I wanted to find a job which I believed would be secure , since my primary responsibility was , and remains to this day , the support of my family .
23 I saw that I was going to have to find a job before I did something rash which landed me in prison .
24 Karen realised that her goal was to find a job which was challenging and interesting and which provided her with opportunities for foreign travel .
25 Many are unlikely ever to find a job again .
26 The story was he 'd left the USAF and gone to America to find a job .
27 I think it 's a lot more worthwhile doing a science degree because a lot of arts degrees do n't lead anywhere because then you have to find a job … they 're not leading to a career of any sort …
28 You 'll have to find a job , you know . ’
29 Two months later Gabriel went to the great fair at Casterbridge , hoping to find a job as farm manager .
30 Patrice Orfilat , a fearful , whimpering wretch bearing a grudge against Thorez whom , he assumes , had prevented him from being nominated as a PCF candidate for the 1936 elections , petrified at the thought of war and his own death , attempts to find a job in the Foreign Affairs Ministry , and is ultimately disdainfully rebuffed by an orthodox party member unperturbed by the Nazi-Soviet pact .
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