Example sentences of "hard [noun sg] space " in BNC.

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1 It does not have all the features of a full paint package but this means that it will not take up megabytes of hard disc space .
2 This little utility for Windows 3. x is excellent for keeping track of your hard disc space .
3 It requires 16Mb of memory and 207Mb of available hard disk space .
4 Microsoft Corp 's MS-DOS 6 , which will be available on Wednesday , will be offered at $50 for the first 60 days , and $130 thereafter , the company said : the two most compelling new features , the company says , are data compression to double hard disk space , and improved memory management ; it also includes the capability to back up files , protect against viruses and reorganize files on the hard disk — the back-up technology was licensed from Symantec Corp 's Peter Norton group , and the anti-viral technology from Central Point Software Inc — but unlike Symantec 's Norton Back-Up , the back-up feature in MS-DOS 6 is n't automatic and does n't support tape drives , and is also slower — and about 300 new viruses have been discovered since Central Point 's virus detection technology was frozen in MS-DOS 6 code ; both companies hope to sell enhancements to the built-in products to users .
5 To run Money Smith you 'll need Windows 3 or 3.1 , a mouse and 1Mb of free hard disk space .
6 Be warned , though — AdPro needs a minimum of 4Mb of RAM to run properly , although it 's quite gentle on the hard disk space ( it only takes up 4Mb ) .
7 And because it 's a DOS-based program , it wo n't take up masses of hard disk space .
8 Backing up your data is vital , so book a lunch date if you choose level two , because it takes about one minute per megabyte of hard disk space to set up .
9 TrueEffects is a compact package — all it needs is a mere 500Kb of hard disk space — and it works really well .
10 Modern games make more demands on the humble PC and need acres of hard disk space , plus as much as 610Kb of free system memory .
11 I would n't trust any of the figures you quote because Superstore , like Stacker , does n't actually double your hard disk space .
12 Disk compressors tend to tell a few fibs when assessing how much hard disk space you 've got , hence the spurious figures
13 How much hard disk space are you likely to need ?
14 The other factor is that DOS applications do n't take up huge chunks of RAM and hard disk space .
15 Paradox 4 will run on a 286 with a least 2Mb of memory ; even with all the tutorial stuff it occupies less than 4.5Mb of hard disk space .
16 DataEase comes in three versions — all of which are supplied on the disks — and you 'll need less than 4Mb of hard disk space to run it .
17 What 's more , unlike your average greedy Windows word processor , it will run on a machine with a Hercules display and only 512Kb of RAM , although you will need 7Mb of spare hard disk space for the full installation .
18 It 's great for squashing files down so they 'll fit on a floppy or so they take up less hard disk space .
19 If there 's a chance you might want to move to Windows later on , bear in mind that Windows apps , like some games , are real gluttons when it comes to hard disk space .
20 But watch out ; Knowledge Adventure uses graphics and sound files and hogs 7Mb of hard disk space .
21 Calendar Creator comes programmed with 250 clip-art images , so you can add some pictorial pizzazz to your schedules , as long as you 've got 9Mb of hard disk space .
22 A massive product , occupying some 18Mb plus of hard disk space , with the whole of 15th Century Germany as the playing area .
23 FAXgrabber has another use which will be welcomed by all who use their PCs as fax machines — it should save an enormous amount of hard disk space .
24 Installation of the program is straightforward , but you do need to make sure you have at least 3.5MB of free hard disk space and a minimum 150K of free RAM in order to accommodate it — not a lot when you consider the amount of data contained within .
25 Hard disk space required : variable
26 Hard disk space required : 1212k
27 Hard disk space required : 1429k
28 Hard disk space required : 318k
29 Hard disk space required : minimal
30 Hard disk space required : variable
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