Example sentences of "makes [adj] sense " in BNC.

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1 IF the sophisticated modern diesel engine now makes economic sense for small cars , the savings it offers for bigger cars are more worthwhile .
2 It makes economic sense , particularly if the prospectus is printed commercially , to run off a substantial number at one time .
3 Transplanting human valves rather than commercial alternatives also makes economic sense , reducing the cost of the operation by almost 50% .
4 The latter makes economic sense as water reed costs approximately only a third more for double the life expectancy .
5 With club rates varying from £50–£90 per hour depending on which part of the country you reside in , it makes economic sense if you can afford it to join a group — or perhaps if a little more of the folding stuff is available , to buy your own small PFA type or microlight .
6 It is all very costly and there is sometimes a limited choice of what is available for your client to sponsor that makes economic sense and will attract media and consumer attention .
7 In such circumstances he needs all the help that it makes economic sense to provide .
8 If , for whatever reason , a husband initially commands higher rates of pay than his wife it makes economic sense for him to ‘ specialize ’ in paid work and let her shoulder the brunt of the partnership 's unpaid chores ( Becker , 1981 , 1985 ; for a critique see Owen , 1987 ) .
9 Second-hand pipe organs are sometimes worth considering when they are fine instruments and when the total cost of their purchase , removal and rebuilding in a place suitable for them makes economic sense .
10 Overall , the modifications to the management of the system resulted in an increase of about 25% of the total agricultural output , with a change in emphasis towards fish production and export ( which makes economic sense because of the high value of fish in the marketplace ) .
11 He says there are a number of ecological as well as economic reasons — it 's a longer , stronger tougher fibre — it makes a longer-lasting paper and it makes economic sense to grow the material in this country rather than importing it .
12 As Mr Imai 's analysis makes clear , the term keiretsu is used to refer to so many different kinds of industrial groups in Japan that generalising about all of them , and especially complaining about them as a group , makes little sense .
13 But , in the days of computer simulations , it surely makes little sense to crank the whole military-industrial complex up to producing a great fleet of YF-22s .
14 It makes little sense , for example , to require that children have a command of formal vocabulary before they are competent in technical vocabulary or vice versa .
15 It makes little sense to describe everyone over the age of 60 or 65 as ‘ the elderly population ’ , or ‘ old people ’ .
16 The ability of modern technology to cope with the problem of soil erosion is summarised thus : ‘ Growing populations may in part have destroyed more land than they improved , but it makes little sense to project past trends into the future , since we know more and more about methods of land preservation and are able by means of modern methods , to reclaim much land , which our ancestors have made sterile . ’
17 If Parliament wishes to create a specialist body to adjudicate in a given field , it makes little sense to have the decisions of that body reviewed by courts which have no such expertise .
18 His basic criticism of the system is that it makes little sense on the level of integrity because it makes only superficial sense of human desire and action and , therefore , only poor sense of human happiness .
19 There were , of course , flaws in Velikovsky 's reasoning : his imagined catastrophes were fanciful and , while it is all very well to derive clues from oral legends , it makes little sense to prefer these to properly researched results .
20 If so , it makes little sense to speak of ‘ authenticity ’ , though feminists might wish to celebrate women 's talk as an aspect of their resistance to oppression , a demonstration of skill and creativity with the limited materials at hand .
21 The test runs were also performed on a different machine so it makes little sense to compare timings .
22 Thus it makes little sense to refer to ‘ immigrant ’ communities ; what we now have are minority black British communities , that have already made a very substantial contribution to the growth and prosperity of the British economy .
23 More recently the Manpower Services Commission has strengthened links , as recognition grows that the division between ‘ education ’ and ‘ training ’ makes little sense in terms of meeting the needs of 16 to 19 year olds with disabilities and learning difficulties .
24 There is a sense in which standing is a preliminary question , separate from that of the substance and merits of the applicant 's case : standing rules determine entitlement to raise and argue the issue of illegality , and it makes little sense to say that entitlement to argue the merits of the case depends on whether one has a good case on the merits .
25 Thinking requires prior knowledge and learning — it makes little sense to reinvent the wheel — but too much emphasis on learning what has been the case can inhibit the growth of thinking about how to do things in unusual and interesting ways .
26 Such was Maitland 's theory , probably encouraged by the subsequent citation of the statute in later antipapal legislation ; but the statute of Carlisle makes little sense as a measure against a pope as obliging as Clement V , nor did the statute itself directly affect the papacy at all .
27 The best that I can say for a personality explanation is that it prevents executives from thinking about changing their behaviour , because it understandably makes little sense for them to undergo some kind of therapy .
28 For , it is argued , it makes little sense to worry about the possibility of repetitiveness and reduplication with regard to the world " in itself " if we can establish the historical uniqueness of particulars in relation to ourselves .
29 While it makes little sense to talk of criticism of the physical world , it makes every sense to talk of criticism turned on to the theories and concepts which science has produced to explain the external world , for they could certainly be other than they are.8 Unfortunately , we sometimes give the impression in science and technological education that the current models , terms and theories of science are given and have merely to be assimilated by students .
30 If such statutory clauses were ever intended to reflect the common law ( and this is not clear ) , the dichotomy drawn within them between the two heads of review makes little sense in light of the expansion of non-statutory review .
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