Example sentences of "right [to-vb] possession " in BNC.

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1 The right to claim possession of the goods from the carrier belongs to the FIATA issuer of the FBL ( and holder of the actual carrier 's bill ) , and not to the holder of the FBL .
2 As we shall see in Chapter 12 , the seller usually has the right to retain possession of the goods until the buyer pays .
3 Here , in my judgment , the property had passed on the fall of the hammer , but still the ( seller ) had a right to retain possession of the goods until payment was made . ’
4 This could occur where someone has a lien over the goods , i.e. a right to retain possession of them until a debt is paid .
5 If he did nothing more he would still retain his fee simple , but he would have deprived himself of the right to present possession and enjoyment of the land ; his estate would become a future estate , which would again become a present estate , an ‘ estate in possession ’ , only when the smaller estate , the ‘ particular estate ’ which had been carved out of it , came to an end .
6 The SGA has no provisions implying warranties as to title or quiet possession into such contracts , but s 7 of the SGSA implies certain warranties as to the right to transfer possession into a " contract for the hire of goods " ( which under s 6 of the SGSA is defined as a contract of bailment by way of hire for a consideration of any nature ) .
7 The bailor warrants that he has the right to transfer possession for the period of the bailment , and that the bailee will enjoy quiet possession for the period of the bailment except so far as possession is disturbed by the owner or other person entitled to the benefit of any charge or encumbrance disclosed or known to the bailee before the contract was made .
8 We can leave the Housing Act 1988 and proceed to the Rent Act 1977 , bearing in mind that the issue in this case was whether there was a person , namely , the landlord , who was restricted in his right to recover possession of the premises by virtue of an enactment or rule of law .
9 ‘ ( 1 ) Where any premises have been let as a dwelling under a tenancy which is not a statutorily protected tenancy and — ( a ) the tenancy ( in this section referred to as the former tenancy ) has come to an end , but ( b ) the occupier continues to reside in the premises or part of them , it shall not be lawful for the owner to enforce against the occupier , otherwise than by proceedings in the court , his right to recover possession of the premises .
10 It also seems to be the character of the trust in personam to which a later source , the fourth-century paraphrase of Gaius from Autun , means to refer in speaking of the beneficiary of a trust of a whole estate as having no right to take possession of the estate himself but having to claim it from the heir .
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