Example sentences of "coming to light " in BNC.

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1 Official sources were yesterday unable to explain why the restrictions had been brought in , including whether they had been designed to reduce the risk of leaks to loyalists of the type recently coming to light .
2 Further reports of deliberate dolphin killings keep coming to light and have yet to be substantiated ; the true story may be even worse .
3 Although they have apparently been happening for much longer , abductions first started coming to light in the late Sixties , but they 've really taken over UFO culture since the publication of Communion in 1987 .
4 The usually veiled criticism contained in the report material , and the open comment coming to light in denunciations and court prosecutions , have necessarily to be regarded as the tip of the iceberg .
5 Just as the European Commission was preparing to issue its legal summonses , embarrassing evidence of a major new problem of eutrophication in the nation 's water system was coming to light , as rivers and reservoirs used for drinking water fill up with nitrate and phosphate .
6 Some of the answers are only now coming to light as we find out more about the structures of the proteins that go to make up living cells themselves .
7 It is probable that like the mammals the roots of the great variety of living birds are to be found in the Cretaceous , but fossils , which could document this , are only now slowly coming to light .
8 Although the outlook may seem bleak , a constructive approach towards consultation might result in hitherto unconsidered options coming to light which could enable your job to be saved at the eleventh hour .
9 This course of action will avoid the possibility of the interest coming to light at a later stage causing the councillor to be the subject of criticism that his view of the public issue was thereby influenced .
10 The level of undiscovered malpractice is a matter for conjecture although such evidence is continually coming to light , as illustrated in the manner in which leading drug/pesticide/herbicide companies callously exploit the Third World .
11 Today there is much public concern about the amount of incest that occurs and is now coming to light .
12 More cases of abuse are coming to light , and children have to be protected ; some children have to be rescued from the living hell they have to endure .
13 I 'm quite sober , although elated by the thought of an unknown play by Shakespeare coming to light . ’
14 Malos also said social workers needed to realise children were indirect victims of domestic violence : ‘ A lot of evidence is coming to light about the effects of domestic violence on children even if they are not the objects of the violence . ’
15 In addition to such major discoveries , many parts of which have not yet been published , other sources have gradually been coming to light or , after long suppression , are being circulated and studied .
16 I am aware — and so are local social workers — of at least one large housing estate in a provincial town where incest is thought to be the norm rather than the exception even today ; and such is the difficulty of its location and proof that cases coming to light are probably only the tip of an iceberg .
17 She shows that unequal access to cash is a source of friction , and that rows about money are a common cause of the domestic violence which is now coming to light ( Pahl , 1983 , 1985 ; see also Brannen and Wilson , 1987 ) .
18 In the 1890s he turned against this whole programme in disgust , realizing that there was no likelihood of fossil evidence coming to light .
19 Left with no choice but to accept the responsibility or to pursue its own independent inquiries , the airline instructed Windels , Marx , Davies & Ives to prepare its defence and to investigate the suggestions of government complicity that were already coming to light .
20 And four coming to light argues forty or more in the dark , most likely for good . ’
21 It is difficult to assess the long term benefit of such a campaign as individual cases now coming to light clearly heard some of the publicity which was beneficial to them at the time but did not result in them making a call at that particular time .
22 And evidence is coming to light that present generations may still be suffering the consequences .
23 The risk of events occurring prior to the Balance Sheet Date but only coming to light after the Accounts have been signed off should be placed on the Vendor .
24 Again , the liability depends upon the money or property in question being received in the ordinary course of the receiving partner 's activities within the firm and not upon any authority vested in himsee Willett v Chambers ( 1778 ) Cowp 814 ( misapplication of moneys received from a client for investment on mortgage , the client being billed in the name of the firm ) , Rhodes v Moules [ 1895 ] 1 Ch 236 ( partner absconding with bearer share warrants proffered by client as collateral security for a mortgage loan , where the firm was in the habit of receiving such securities from its clients ) and Blair v Bromley ( 1847 ) 12 Ph 354 ( misapplication of money by a partner who paid interest on it to the client , the fraud only coming to light on the partner 's bankruptcy .
25 There follows a specimen clause as to costs : In the event of the proposed acquisition not proceeding , either because you withdraw from the transaction or because management or their financiers withdraw because of some material item coming to light of which they were not previously aware , or because contract details can not be reasonably agreed ; then you will reimburse management for all reasonable costs incurred by them with their advisers and financiers .
26 The full impact of last Thursday 's freak storm in Llandudno , Conwy and the surrounding areas is only now coming to light and it could be several months before some of the 500 people forced to leave their homes will be able to return .
27 Air quality manager Peter Shawcross said the results were currently being examined and evaluated and that interesting facts were already coming to light .
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