Example sentences of "based [prep] research " in BNC.

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1 Constructivism has led , inevitably , to a study of space grids based upon research in crystallography .
2 From its first issue it identified itself as a coordinating centre for research in English studies , and indeed , the development of an identity based upon research for the discipline can be seen to have been one of its major functions .
3 Rex and Moore 's classification was based upon research in the Sparkbrook area of Birmingham , and it is more or less time-specific to the mid-1960s and applicable to medium-to large-sized cities .
4 A similar approach based upon research in the National Health Service is offered by Stewart ( 1989 ) .
5 This originally appeared as part of a Fabian Women 's Group report based upon research from 1909 – 13 into the daily lives of families living in Lambeth .
6 The project has produced a booklet based on research in selected London boroughs and other areas of the country .
7 A subsequent successful re-launch of the product , based on research that revealed a Swiss pre-occupation with cleanliness , emphasised the germ-killing and hygienic aspects of the use of dishwashers .
8 Based on research carried out on paraprofessional social service personnel in fourteen developed and developing countries — Australia , Britain , Canada , Denmark , India , Indonesia , Israel , Japan , The Philippines , South Africa , Spain , Uganda , the US , and West Germany — over the last seven years , this paper presents some findings that , if acted upon by social service organizations , social work education programmes , and paraprofessional training programmes , could strengthen the contribution of both professionals and paraprofessionals to social service and social development goals .
9 While I have not pretended that pre-Chernobyl data are extensive , there is compelling evidence about soil and grass contamination in the Cumbrian uplands before and after Chernobyl , based on research and monitoring by the Atomic Energy Authority , the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology , and BNFL .
10 Based on research here are some basic guidelines :
11 Why is this so if the curriculum is to be based on research ?
12 The new developments in information skills are still primarily research-led and because of the slowness of dissemination and take-up of work based on research it is not clear what the impact will be of this work on library practice .
13 The process avoids any rough measures , simply calling for providing the department with a prepublication copy of any paper based on research it supported .
14 Finding Faith Today is a major report on evangelism , based on research carried out by the Bible Society on behalf of the Church Together in England .
15 The recommendations are based on research carried out by the Value for Money ( VFM ) Unit of the Management Executive at three community units : South Sefton , Mid-Staffordshire and Macclesfield .
16 Published in cooperation with the International Association for Mass Communication Research ( IAMCR ) , the issue is based on research and articles presented at a seminar on ‘ Reporting the Gulf War ’ which was organised by the IAMCR in Istanbul , Turkey , last June .
17 The GIST hypothesis was that female under-achievement in science and technology is at least partly socially constructed by the school , an hypothesis based on research evidence as well as critical feminist analysis ( see , for example , Kelly , 1981 ) .
18 There is little excuse for allowing these situations to drift ; and it is in preventing such situations that professional practice based on research parts company from common sense and rules of thumb or the use of ‘ hunches ’ .
19 The first Zeus report based on research completed this summer into the parallelisation of physics applications , is to be published next year .
20 Work at the new Virtual Reality facility will be based on research and development already performed by the partners — LPAC member Queen Mary & Westfield College , for example , has been working on imaging , human computer interfaces and visualisation .
21 Bull is licensed to develop and build products based on IBM technologies such as the RISC architectures and the AIX Unix operating system , as well as the right to develop products based on research generated at the Somerset Design Centre in Austin , Texas , where Apple Computer Inc and Motorola Inc are also partners .
22 A famous study of comparative political culture , based on research in 1959 and 1960 , revealed that , when Americans were asked what things they were most proud of in their country , 85 per cent had spon-taneously mentioned governmental and political institutions .
23 The book is based on research on the impact of film , TV and video in Argentina , Brazil , Colombia , Cuba , Mexico , Peru and Venezuela .
24 This study produced three age-related estimates of ‘ regular opioid use ’ in the London boroughs of Camden and Islington ( based on research from 1977 to 1983 ) : 12 per 1,000 of the 16–24-year-old population , 25 per 1,000 of the 25–34-year-olds , and 5 per 1,000 of the 35–44-year-olds .
25 Although based on research of lasting value , the draft Articles on service of documents rest overmuch on United States perceptions and would not have survived the sort of examination to which they would have been exposed at an international diplomatic conference .
26 According to the agency ( which may have its tongue firmly in its cheek ) the technique of their commercials is based on research by the Japanese video game firm Nintendo , and the ads are designed to have an almost hypnotic effect .
27 Webster and Webster say that the sequences are based on research findings ( which are not detailed ) or where these are not available , they follow a logical order .
28 On the other hand , the proportions of congenital abnormalities preventable by secondary and tertiary methods are estimates based on research studies of particular conditions ( for example , ad hoc epidemiological studies for measuring the effectiveness of neonatal orthopaedic screening ) , or regions ( for example , those having excellent ultrasound scanning and trained staff for diagnosing structural defects , or using the triple test for detection of Down 's syndrome ) or of expert groups ( for example , specific postnatal treatment and early paediatric surgery ) .
29 Based on research done at Xerox 's Palo Alto Research Centre or , PARC as it is widely known , the Apple Lisa was the first commercial micro to take these concepts to the mass market .
30 A slightly different analysis of leadership styles , based on this continuum , was made by the Research Unit at Ashridge Management College , based on research in several industries in the UK ( reported 1966 ) .
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