Example sentences of "held responsible [prep] " in BNC.

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1 First , Fisher invited Archbishop Makarios of Cyprus whom some held responsible for the murder of British soldiers in the quasi-civil war in Cyprus .
2 Chris Patten has now joined me as a party chairman held responsible for winning an election by running a bad campaign !
3 Under this , the EPA is responsible for cleaning up the most contaminated sites and then recovering the cost from the bodies held responsible for the contamination .
4 Emmanuel Mounier and the young collaborationist intellectuals of Jeune France were the first to propose the idea of a State culture to counter the empty capitalist hedonism , which they held responsible for the moral catastrophe of 1940 .
5 When he returned at the beginning of December 1340 Edward had immediately dismissed the home council , Robert Stratford , who was bishop of Chichester and chancellor , among them ; Archbishop Stratford , then held responsible for the home government 's failure , was ordered to Louvain as a hostage for the payment of the allies , while the dismissal and prosecution of other ministers and officials — mostly clerics — was set in motion .
6 Ludwig Erhard , who succeeded Adenauer as Chancellor in October 1963 , was an experienced minister , the man held responsible for German economic success since 1949 , deeply committed to the US alliance and who , at 66 , could look forward to a long career as Chancellor — given the record of his predecessor .
7 Coming to the end of his account , he remembered the fate of the mason-overseer , Khaemhet , held responsible for the security of the prisoners deputed to him for the journey from the granite quarries to the Southern Capital .
8 Government troops killed over 40 Tamils whom they held responsible for the Aug. 6 incidents , after Wijeratne had declared that " we will show no mercy to these Tamil terrorists , criminals who do not deserve to live " .
9 Among those she held responsible for her party 's defeat was the President , Ghulam Ishaq Khan who , she claimed , had " wanted to keep the PPP out " .
10 Calling on the government to honour pledges of land and credit made to the contras before their demobilization in June [ see p. 37450 ] , they had also demanded the dismissal of former Sandinista leader Gen. Humberto Ortega Saavedra as C.-in-C. of the Armed Forces , and the resignation of Antonio Lacayo Oyanguren , Minister of the Presidency , and Carlos Hurtado Cabrera , Minister of the Interior , whom they held responsible for the October economic pact between the government and the opposition Sandinista-controlled unions [ see p. 37771 ] .
11 ( Import restrictions , held responsible for a fall in the country 's external trade deficit , reported on Jan. 15 , were understood to have contributed substantially to the scarcity of industrial raw materials and capital goods . )
12 The German state prosecutor 's office announced on April 8 that tests conducted on the bones of a man who died in Brazil in 1979 confirmed that the body ( discovered in 1985 — see p. 33759 ) was that of Josef Mengele , the so-called " Angel of Death " held responsible for the deaths of 400,000 prisoners at the Auschwitz concentration camp during the Second World War .
13 Some of us are puzzled by this phenomenon , because it seems incompatible with another idea we cherish , which is that people must not be blamed for acts over which they had no control , nor held responsible for unfair gains when they have gained nothing themselves .
14 Its central feature was acceptance of the so-called mixed economy — that is , a capitalist framework within which state enterprise was tolerated and the government held responsible for managing the economy .
15 The images can be , but they 've also got an edge of grim humour — Heartfield and police president Zorgiebel ( below ) shows the artist 's response to the man held responsible by the Communists for the killing of May Day demonstrators in 1929 .
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