Example sentences of "to look beyond the " in BNC.

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1 In the light of these partial versions of reality , I suggest there is a need to look beyond the surface presentation , whether handed out in the form of a press release or in the crime statistics which senior officers consistently use as an indication of social mayhem .
2 It is essential to look beyond the public utterance dressed up in these metaphors of battle , and seek the structural forms which determine the ideological base .
3 There may also be a reluctance among prosecutors to look beyond the individual driver , pilot , or captain in each case .
4 But it is not possible to look beyond the world in order to see what it depends upon directly .
5 Its daring use of music , mime , dance and humour challenges the audience to look beyond the stereotypes .
6 Even less than Local Authorities are they to be relied on for continuity of policy , or an ability to look beyond the day after tomorrow .
7 We need to look beyond the social position readers already occupy to the ways in which reading as an activity is itself structured in different contexts .
8 This approach also encourages the analyst to look beyond the basic procedure to the wider systems that it is part of and the environment that can affect both requirements and performance , in the process gaining an understanding of all the relevant factors that need to be taken into account .
9 ‘ It makes sense to look beyond the limited circle which chairmen and their boards normally have in mind . ’
10 In the rush for funds or to exploit the fusion fanaticism , few had the time or inclination to look beyond the surface and see the shaky foundations beneath .
11 He urges nurses to look beyond the immediate frustration of not being able to give all that they would wish for today 's patients , but to resolve as individuals to do ‘ everything reasonable within our power and through our nursing organisations to make sure that tomorrow 's people get the nurses and the nursing they deserve .
12 They have got the platform of competence and confidence to look beyond the day-to-day realities of school and classroom life and ask themselves hard questions about it .
13 He did not care to look beyond the semi-sunken hulks of the bombed merchantmen towards the clear flames rising from the refinery tower of Abadan .
14 It would only be possible to describe these years in such glowing terms , however , if we were to place our curiosity under strict curfew , refusing to allow it to look beyond the frozen images of faded snap-shots or the scratchy surface realities of the official crime statistics .
15 It is primarily by the spreading of awareness of foreign legal systems among our students that we can hope to accelerate the process of harmonization and to produce practitioners and judges of the future prepared to look beyond the horizon of their own legal system .
16 Much is lost in Bible reading if we forget to look beyond the substitute word to the personal , intimate name of God himself .
17 The court refused to investigate the validity of the Act saying that it was unable to look beyond the parliamentary roll of statutes .
18 However , it will be one of the major themes of this article that , from a social psychological point of view , one needs to look beyond the explicit arguments , which are produced in the course of actual controversies .
19 Social psychologists need to train their eyes to look beyond the brightly coloured petals or luxuriant foliage to examine these small seeds contained within the presently flowering plant .
20 The project is based on a conviction that a better understanding of speech levels and hierarchy will make an important contribution to the general understanding of Japanese society , and ultimately help Westerners to look beyond the veneer of politeness in dealing effectively with their Japanese counter-parts .
21 The ability to look beyond the current activity is important in this process .
22 That uncertainty urges us to look beyond the present , with a faint hope to control our future .
23 Pupils may well need to look beyond the immediate local area , the further back they go , though starting with an example not too far away can still be useful , and allows for field visits .
24 Although the local area will often be the natural starting point for many topics , even for the core history topics , it is very important that primary pupils be encouraged to look beyond the local area at the wider scene .
25 Guiding his entire policy was a sense of perspective , which allowed him to look beyond the immediate impasse and to visualize a future beyond Algeria .
26 Unfortunately local officials seemed unable to look beyond the confines of their own little scene and the opportunity to develop the game here was lost .
27 ‘ Now , we can not afford to look beyond the return game with the Belgians and start thinking about Marseille .
28 But you know we have to look beyond the first year or two , we have to look at what 's going to happen to that school over a much longer period of time , and quite frankly erm I would feel safer with erm what was called the big brother of the Local Authority .
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