Example sentences of "following [art] announcement " in BNC.

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1 The West Indies selectors have been accused of bias against players from Barbados following the announcement of their Test team .
2 Following the announcement , the government began a news-management campaign designed to talk away the problem .
3 FOLLOWING the announcement of Jonathan Powell 's resignation , the post of Controller of BBC1 has been advertised .
4 WACC 's President , Rev Randy L Naylor , and General Secretary , Rev Carlos A Valle , sent a congratulatory telegram to Rigoberta Menchu Tum following the announcement on 16 October that she has been awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace .
5 Following the announcement earlier this year that VCH publishing group had decided to ‘ terminate the employment ’ of Dr Andreas Papadakis , hitherto managing director and former owner of Academy Group , London , with immediate effect , a new appointment has been made at senior level .
6 Following the announcement of approval of elements of the SNMP2 proposal , Westford , Massachusetts-based consultancy Paul Freeman Associates says that a combined SNMP 1/2 version of its Universal SNMP Agent will be announced very soon .
7 Following the announcement of its pact with StrataCom Inc and Cisco Systems Inc , AT&T Co has come up with sketchy details of the Asynchronous Transfer Mode service it will begin offering early next year .
8 Following the announcement of approval of elements of the SNMP2 proposal ( CI No 2,149 ) , Westford , Massachusetts-based consultancy Paul Freeman Associates says that a combined SNMP 1/2 version of its Universal SNMP Agent will be announced very soon .
9 Toshiba Corp has now been drawn into the IBM-Apple Computer Inc alliance following the announcement that it and Apple have an agreement to develop multimedia technology , combining Apple software skills with Toshiba 's expertise in semiconductors and consumer electronics .
10 i Shares in BAT Industries fell sharply following the announcement of a substantial loss of £189 million at Eagle Star , BAT 's insurance subsidiary .
11 Following the announcement in January that it had suspended production of the Cambridge and Linx brands , Wharfedale has announced that it is to discontinue Linx , though it will undertake to maintain warranty and spare parts support .
12 Recent trends , especially following the announcement of the introduction of the GCSE , are leading to changes in emphasis on a number of features of assessment : for example , what is being assessed ; how assessments are carried out ; how achievement is recorded ; the balance between school-based and externally set assessments ; and the different purposes of assessment are also under review .
13 Following the announcement in the February 1991 JFIT News , a meeting was held on the 12th March 1991 at DTI , involving academe and industry to discuss control as a strategic theme .
14 The British government introduced the Criminal Jurisdiction Bill in the Lords during January 1975 and , following the announcement of the date of the election for the Convention , the government of the Republic introduced their counterpart Criminal Law ( Jurisdiction ) Bill at the beginning of April .
15 Following the announcement by CEGB in 1980 of five sites to be investigated as possible locations for a new nuclear power station in South West England , the investigator surveyed the attitudes and beliefs concerning energy issues , and nuclear power in particular , held by residents of the communities most closely affected by these proposals .
16 The British Nationality ( Hong Kong ) Bill was introduced in the United Kingdom House of Commons on April 4 , and approved at its second reading on April 19 , following the announcement in December 1989 by Douglas Hurd , the Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary , that full British citizenship would be given to some 225,000 people in the colony in order to restore confidence there in the wake of the military repression of pro-democracy demonstrations in China in May-June 1989 [ see pp. 36720-22 ; 37122 ] .
17 Nevertheless , in a conciliatory statement following the announcement of the first round results heralding the HDZ victory , Tudjman professed caution on the issue of Croatian separatism , suggesting that a HDZ government would be content with Croatian sovereignty and greater independence within a confederal Yugoslavia , and would respect Serb interests .
18 A process of constitutional change involving the dismantling of the apartheid system began in South Africa following the announcement by the President in his speech at the opening of Parliament on Feb. 2 , 1990 , not only that the release of African National Congress ( ANC ) leader Nelson Mandela was imminent , but also that the ANC , the Pan-Africanist Congress and the South African Communist Party were to be unbanned and that the 1953 Reservation of Separate Amenities Act was to be repealed .
19 The Dominican Republic was widely held to have undermined its own efforts to become a full member of CARICOM following the announcement in January 1990 of a plan to export up to 763 tonnes of bananas per week to Europe from April 1990 .
20 Following the announcement that Mobutu had re-appointed the outgoing Prime Minister , Mulumba Lukoji , the opposition announced that it would , after all , take part in the national conference .
21 An amnesty was signed into law on July 2 , following the announcement on June 19 that political opponents of the regime in voluntary exile were free to return " to assist in the national reconstruction effort " .
22 The US Defence Department ( Pentagon ) confirmed on July 29 that it had agreed to sell arms , including laser-guided bombs , worth US$365,000,000 to Saudi Arabia , a move following the announcement by the Pentagon in early July of plans to sell the kingdom $473,000,000 worth of army jeeps and aircraft support services .
23 Following the announcement Prawiro invited the World Bank to form a new consultative group for aid co-ordination .
24 Following the announcement of the revised schedule the premises of the national radio station were briefly occupied by a group of soldiers .
25 Following the announcement of his resignation the Levi and Shamir camps entered into negotiations , eventually resulting in the April 5 compromise .
26 Following the announcement of a new election timetable [ see p. 38898 ] , the caretaker Prime Minister , André Milongo , announced on June 12 that , as a result of widespread electoral fraud in the May 3 municipal and local polling , the mayors of six municipalities and the prefects of nine regions were being dismissed .
27 With the prospects of breaking the stalemate fading , hopes rose following the announcement that the government and ANC representatives had held talks on July 28 for the first time since the ANC broke off contact on June 23 .
28 At several sites , protesting miners were reported to have gone down the pits and stayed there following the announcement .
29 Following the announcement , the issue got the thumbs up from several City commentators .
30 Following the announcement by President Clinton that his administration would introduce a range of measures to encourage energy conservation [ see ED 68 ] , further details about the proposed federal energy tax have been made public .
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