Example sentences of "response to changes " in BNC.

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1 Because the status of women is inextricably linked to a complex politico-economic system , it , and the ideas connected with it , change in response to changes in the system as a whole .
2 Deeply concerned at what she sees as a naive response to changes in the Warsaw Pact countries which could yet be reversed , Mrs Thatcher will seek a clear assurance from Mr Bush that any defence cuts will not erode the US military commmitment to Western Europe .
3 One of the explanations for the dolphin 's superb streamlining seems to be that while they are swimming their skin surface shifts in folds or ripples , caused not by muscular action but as a response to changes in pressure on different parts of the body .
4 In a sense , history is repeating itself in that the sequence of development in the past has also contained local ‘ boom ’ elements such as kelp gathering in the 19th century or the bulb growing schemes in the 1960's , both of which foundered in response to changes in external economic imperatives , although at the outset there were high hopes that unique local resources i.e. seaweed and disease-free sandy soils , would provide enduring employment opportunities .
5 This is because of the widespread development of partial resistance to penicillin and other antibiotics by the gonococcus , due to its evolution as a response to changes in its environment .
6 Some predators , such as tawny owls , eagle owls and buzzards change their diet in response to changes in prey availability ( Southern , 1954 ) .
7 Post-Fordism , on the other hand , is characterized by the growth of flexible specialization , which implies a more widely variegated and less standardized set of products , as well as the ability to change the nature of those products in response to changes in the market .
8 Scaling : the relaxation ( time-correlation ) functions ( which characterise a material 's response to changes in an applied mechanical or electromagnetic field ) , measured at different temperatures , may be made to coincide on a single ‘ master ’ curve by scaling the time axis with a temperature-dependent characteristic time .
9 Contracting out by local authorities has increased under the Conservative government — partly voluntarily and partly as a response to changes in the law requiring them to do so for certain activities .
10 Thus , reversible binding of calmodulin to the channel complex in response to changes in the level of Ca 2+ has the effect of increasing the sensitivity of the channel to small changes in cGMP which may occur during the photoresponse .
11 A desired [ CO 2 ] gradient was maintained in the chamber during daylight ( 9–10h daily ) by automatically varying the rate of unidirectional air flow through the cover in response to changes in photosynthetic CO 2 depletion by enclosed plants and sunlight intensity .
12 Thus , to the primary objective : the production of a new OED for the twenty-first century ; we must add a second objective : the electronic handling and delivery of the information contained in and added to the OED , so that the latter is able to be altered in response to changes in the language .
13 In the 1960s , in response to changes in social structure and expectations , and in the context of a party and interest-group world that would not embrace new interests and demands , large numbers of inner-city residents formed themselves into loose groups to press for changes in public policy and in the balance of the public-private provision of the basics for a decent life .
14 Estimates of carbon releases from the biosphere to the atmosphere in response to changes in land-use have varied enormously in the past but are now generally in the range 0.8 to 2.5 Gt of carbon per year ( Bolin , 1986 ) .
15 Since real output could also change only slowly over time in response to changes in aggregate demand , it followed that the rate of monetary growth would in the long run be correlated with the rate of inflation .
16 The opposition between capitalism and socialism has thus remained throughout the century a dominant feature of political life , whatever the modifications that have been introduced into the opposing doctrines and policies in response to changes in the economy and society ; which were themselves , in part , an outcome of this conflict .
17 It was the not fault of my client , that just as the Visitor seemed to be gaining the trust of the young person who is the subject of this enquiry ( she was a child when the case was first brought to their attention as in need of care and protection but is now classed as a young person ) she was transferred because of area reorganisation undertaken in response to changes in government policy , and that the officer who took over the case was hospitalised shortly after she assumed her new duties .
18 : the geology of rocks which have undergone alterations at depth in response to changes in pressure , temperature , and chemical conditions .
19 People may act differently in response to changes in taxation than to variations in earnings per se .
20 Such hydration expansion commonly occurs in response to changes in relative humidity which , since they are closely related to temperature , may be diumal .
21 These purchases or sales are not in response to changes in the PSBR or PSDR , and are best understood , therefore , in the context of an unchanged PSBR or PSDR .
22 The demand for money will therefore be very elastic in response to changes in interest rates .
23 Not only on , on the expenditure and the changes required , but also on planning our response to changes which will happen in the future , because it is unlikely that we will ever be able to forecast everything which will happen to us exactly .
24 Using functional notation , we can write However , since it takes time for firms to adjust their capital stocks in response to changes in demand ( remember that capital is a variable factor of production only in the long-run ) , it may be more realistic to introduce a lag into the accelerator part of the function and write Only empirical testing can determine which of the three independent variables is the most important .
25 This is the essence of Keynes ' analysis : that output or quantity adjustments come before price adjustments in response to changes in demand in the economy .
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