Example sentences of "quickly [subord] possible " in BNC.

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1 I was , I must emphasize , determined to find another job — and as quickly as possible .
2 The slapping block can also knock the incoming punch sideways , but the blocking hand must be retrieved as quickly as possible so that it can act as a guard .
4 If so , we want to hear from you as quickly as possible .
5 He gropes mentally , ‘ straining every nerve in an agonised attempt to divine as quickly as Possible where the trap lay ’ .
6 This new wave of anonymous buildings , designed to slip as quickly as possible through local authority planning procedures , has ripped the heart out of Hammersmith .
7 However , Lord Marshall 's letter says that because of the Government 's commitment to introduce competition into electricity supply as quickly as possible ‘ alternative arrangements for protecting the security of supply ’ would need to be made , involving a ‘ capacity deficiency scheme ’ .
8 Medical advice should be sought as quickly as possible .
9 When the explosions eased off a bit , I bade farewell to Pat and got out of the big house as quickly as possible .
10 ‘ Come on , Piper , do n't stand there dozing , let's get away from here as quickly as possible ! ’
11 She pointed out to him the attraction of publishing so surprising a paper and urged him to do it as quickly as possible .
12 The problem with GPS is that like all new gadgets , the companies are wanting to recover development costs as quickly as possible and they are very expensive .
13 A. Simple reaction time When a light is switched on ( or a note is sounded ) a button must be pressed as quickly as possible ; the delay in doing this is measured .
14 In short , therefore , the best advice for combating jet-lag is to adopt a new routine in accord with your new time zone , to strengthen all possible time-cues , and so to reset the body clock as quickly as possible .
15 I book the late meals at 1430 hours for everyone , and organise the loading of fifty pallets for the exercise — working through lunch to get the vessel away as quickly as possible .
16 He only glances up at the television occasionally , as he is intent on finishing these as quickly as possible in order to give himself ti me to write a letter home to his wife .
17 ‘ Most of us just hope this will be over as quickly as possible and that the Americans go home , ’ a diplomat said .
18 Then he climbed into the Land Rover beside his two passengers and drove off fast , with the aim of abandoning Jamie to the custody of his aunt as quickly as possible .
19 Labour seems assured , for the moment , of the support of one religious party , the ultra-orthodox Agudat Israel , and Mr Peres has said he hopes to form a majority government as quickly as possible .
20 The effect was the same : junk was suddenly less attractive , and anyway much of it was now in the hands of federal rescue agencies keen to sell as quickly as possible .
21 Then , when he returned — which he always did , as quickly as possible , for Smugglers ' Cove ( and its occupant ) were so strong a magnet that he often drove home through the night — then she was unfailingly reassured .
22 He decided to get shut of Eleanor as quickly as possible .
23 Once your pet has died you may be too distressed to dig the grave , as another owner testified ; ‘ It was raining hard and I could n't see through my tears , I just wanted to get her buried as quickly as possible . ’
24 It feels to them that a major event has changed their lives and yet people around them seem to be wanting them to forget it and ‘ get on with things ’ as quickly as possible .
25 In my experience , young people in a family have been directed to go and conceive a child as quickly as possible because a dying person wants to see a grandchild to ‘ know that his name will live on before he dies , .
26 I do not even like to see her , it makes me uncomfortable and I wish her gone , as quickly as possible . ’
27 To remedy these grievances it was enacted that the Charter of the Forest was to be kept in all its articles , that the perambulations made in the time of Edward I were to be observed , that those perambulations which still remained to be made should be made as quickly as possible , and that the forest boundaries in each county should be confirmed by royal charters , as laid down in the perambulations .
28 Bray said the Government had starved British science of resources and pledged that Labour would increase civil research and development ‘ as quickly as possible ’ from 1.8 per cent of GDP to 2.5 per cent .
29 ‘ If a co-ordinated effort is not made as quickly as possible , the death toll could increase dramatically to become a major catastrophe , ’ said Mr Demoze Kebebu , regional representative of Ethiopia 's Bureau of Refugee Affairs .
30 Mass production meant rushing to produce as much as possible as quickly as possible .
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