Example sentences of "making [art] profit " in BNC.

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1 The more I bet , the more I increase the probability of the bookie making the profit ( or the bingo hall ) .
2 So who 's making the profit , if a typical CD retailing at 12.99 can be made for a mere 50 pence ?
3 This has resulted in no one making a profit from most bands ' early tours .
4 That they were n't having to give me a testimonial , which I would be entitled to soon , and were making a profit on my sale . ’
5 Lew Grade and his successors put up with them , because the regulators did not prevent the companies making a profit .
6 Things began to improve in the nineteenth century , however , when more coordinated methods were employed , and for the first time , digging began to be directed at finding out about Pompeii , rather than making a profit .
7 We 're making a profit now — yes , we 're all going to Plymouth next week to buy new shoes , so you see , we 're Croesuses !
8 Because disposal of industrial waste is carried out by private enterprise with the sole interest of making a profit , the temptation to dodge intricate and often expensive safety precautions is evident .
9 No one objects to companies making a profit , but not when they freeze out competition . ’
10 Making a profit is extremely hard work .
11 This is because the government 's objectives relate to the welfare of New Zealanders rather than making a profit .
12 Nevertheless , the company has succeeded in making a profit for the past seven years .
13 Their only interest , they say , is in ‘ stabilising AMB 's share structure ’ and making a profit on their investment .
14 Were actually are making a profit we said at the beginning we do get a payment from petticoats so I do n't see that arrangement actually changing but it suits the trust were not very good at running restaurant 's . .
15 whether the business is making a profit or loss and how this profit or loss is made up .
16 A concise statutory definition of insider dealing is not offered in the CSA 1985 , but conduct constituting insider dealing may be said to exist where : an insider deliberately deals as principal or agent on a recognised exchange in securities of the company in question on the basis of unpublished price sensitive information with a view to making a profit or avoiding a loss .
17 Earlier , it was noted that the law prohibits a particular category of person , called an insider , from dealing on the basis of unpublished price sensitive information if he does so with a view to making a profit or avoiding a loss .
18 Dealing otherwise than with a view to making a profit or avoiding a loss
19 The most important defence is trading other than with a view to making a profit or avoiding a loss .
20 The prohibitions in the CSA 1985 are rendered ineffective where the defendant can show that , notwithstanding the fact that he fulfilled all the conditions mentioned in ss.1 and 2 CSA 1985 , the dominant purpose of his trade was not with a view to making a profit or avoiding a loss for either himself or another person .
21 By the time he sold the brewery , for £25 million , in 1986 , it was making a profit of £1.7 million a year .
22 Experience , however , showed that employers have many priorities — such as making a profit , obtaining orders , producing orders at the right price — and that something which they are not compelled to do , particularly in circumstances where the economic climate is adverse , goes well down the list of priorities .
23 But the more you try and get things done , the more you realize that the government does n't care at all , apart from making a profit .
24 While these people are sitting on committees hammering the plans into a synthetic budget which nobody can achieve , the Profitboss is out on the street making a profit , putting up prices , discounting prices , pushing the market , pulling the market .
25 Nonetheless , a 1978 survey of innovative rural bus services found that only one was making a profit , and most were making losses of between 14 and 48 a week , albeit smaller losses than the 64 to 347 a week losses experienced on some conventional routes ( HC Select Committee , 1978 ) .
26 We want the turnover we want the the input and and then er having succeeded hopefully by year three when we 've er as we 've maintained making a profit we will then look at some of the marginal sales as we would call them to er some of the smaller people .
27 If we , if we had targeted making a profit of say five hundred and sixty five thousand pounds just for instance
28 I ca n't believe you 're telling me the truth because that would mean if everybody worked overtime on that basis , we 'd all still making a profit .
29 ‘ His precious factory 's making a profit , ’ he said briskly , draining his glass .
30 The manufacturers might be able to build the black box for a fraction of the cost of separate instruments , but they would n't be able to sell as many individual bits , making a profit on each one .
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