Example sentences of "looked across the " in BNC.

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1 They lived at first not far from Magdalene College in a house which looked across the river Cam to Midsummer Common .
2 Karl looked across the street to where , among the cargo boats , the French and British Embassies hung out their flags , then looked again at the battleship .
3 She looked across the hall and visibly relaxed as she saw a man moving swiftly down the staircase .
4 Instead , he looked across the table .
5 She looked across the room again .
6 She looked across the passage at Clive .
7 Trent looked across the lake .
8 As we looked across the water to Corinth and listened to the haunting bouzouki music I saw why so many people return year after year to Poseidon .
9 On the way to Mrs Zamzam 's land , I looked across the same Lebanese border from the Israeli side and could actually make out in the far distance Mrs Zamzam 's camp at Rashidiyeh inside Lebanon .
10 Their snug cottage looked across the road to the ugliest house on the green , the Rectory , which stood at six o'clock , dead opposite the Youngs across Thrush Green , and was consequently a source of continuous irritation to Edward , the architect , who could see it from every south-facing window of his house .
11 She looked across the yard .
12 He looked across the field cum river bank in the general direction of civilisation , and with the aid of the moonlight was able to make out the familiar gables of the Blue Boar , a hundred yards away .
13 When they reached the log they stopped side by side and looked across the narrow water towards him .
14 She looked across the open grave at Sarah , her stepdaughter , and it saddened her even more that the gulf between them had never been bridged .
15 She looked across the dance floor and for a moment lost her balance .
16 Nick looked across the room to where a fat man in jeans stood by the bar and ticked the side of his forehead like a taxi driver acknowledging a tip .
17 He looked across the table at Meryl , who was giving a good impression of hanging on to every word Lee said .
18 He looked across the table at Jean-Paul , and Jean-Paul 's eyes slid away .
19 He looked across the street towards Hogan 's Gentleman 's Outfitters with huge unconcealed interest .
20 He looked across the room to where a famous actress held scornful court .
21 I … grew up , ’ she looked across the bay , ‘ at that house over there , ’ she added .
22 British pacifists , painfully aware of their own marginality , looked across the Atlantic to the still-neutral United States .
23 She looked across the road , saw Meredith , smiled and came striding athletically towards her .
24 In its drive stood a Japanese four-wheel-drive vehicle and as Meredith looked across the laburnum hedge at it , a woman of about her own age came out of the house , slamming the door crossly , got into the vehicle and reversed out into the road , driving off at speed .
25 He looked across the clearing to where Gurder and Topknot were arguing .
26 She looked across the terrace to the grim yew trees and thought , That 's how they all expect me to be — silent and still .
27 Holly looked across the table at the stubby , round-faced little fellow who breathed a cheerfulness that was alien here .
28 Erlich looked across the bare table at Rutherford .
29 It looked across the street at one of Woodborough 's dental practices , so that people passed the windows all day in various stages of apprehension and relief .
30 They all looked across the road as they heard their father call .
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