Example sentences of "to get a job " in BNC.

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1 Some come like Marmeladov to get a job on the appropriate rung of the bureaucratic ladder .
2 It was in 1929 , aged about 30 , that Winterbotham came to the momentous realisation , worthy of Bertie Wooster , that ‘ I should have to get a job ’ .
3 To get a job .
4 Lewis had got to know him because he was a frequent visitor to Oxford , anxious to get a job in the Oxford English Faculty , and a friend not only of Tolkien but also of Nevill Coghill .
5 He hoped that anyone over the coming weeks who failed to get a job because of not being a union member would write to the Government and explain the facts .
6 The refusal to be responsible and motivated , to get a job , to take on the brutalization and disenchantment entailed in ‘ gainful ’ employment .
7 Robyn considered herself lucky to get a job for one term at one of the London colleges , deputizing for a woman lecturer on maternity leave .
8 Of course I still have to get a job , and I still suffer from depression and back pain , but somehow I 'm managing .
9 you fail ( ie a test , exam , to get a job you applied for , to get the partner you wanted )
10 ‘ Here I an trying to change man 's perception of the Cosmos and the neighbours and kids tell me to get a job .
11 Beno was fined five pounds and told to get a job more suitable to his talents .
12 If I have huge damages to pay , I 'll have to get a job .
13 At home Perdita behaved more atrociously than ever before , storming round the house , refusing to get a job and screaming at Violet and Eddie when they returned bronzed from a month in LA with Hamish and Wendy .
14 I 'm going to get a job as a problem-page goddess .
15 If there were no need for sheltered workshops because disabled people were fully integrated into ‘ normal ’ society , then it would be a gain ; but if , as I suspect , in these hard times it is impossible for many severely disabled people to get a job of any sort , surely the lack of opportunity to go to work is a loss — even if the kind of work they do is far from ideal .
16 So far COHSE has drawn encouragement from the fact that despite general interest no unit or trust has managed to get a job evaluation scheme off the ground .
17 There were no colleges of nursing in Saudi to get a job in .
18 ‘ You 're going to get a job and get shot of them as quick as possible .
19 ‘ And I did n't ring Em because it 's hard enough to get a job in any place as a married woman without having hysterical daughters ringing up crying for Mamma .
20 I 'm divorced now and not finding it easy to get a job in civvy street . ’
21 After this she managed to get a job in the National Health Service , where the majority of speech therapists are employed .
22 Wendy managed to get a job as a receptionist in a dental surgery to begin with and will keep applying for one of the hygienist training courses .
23 Your CV is your ambassador , and must represent you well when you try to get a job .
24 Mr Bull said since Smith was released from prison in April 1990 , after laundering stolen cheques , he had been unable to get a job until he managed to fool the WDA .
25 Their first stop was Munich , where Wolfgang tried to get a job with the elector , but was refused .
26 The wife may be unable to get a job and may have little opportunity to work in the house especially if it is customary for servants to do all cooking and housework .
27 She 's going to get a job and look for a place of her own . ’
28 A decent blouse and skirt , or an attractive frock , either outfit worn with a clean straw boater , and she ought to be able to get a job in a store .
29 Then I 'ad to get a job ; that 's when I saw a notice in a shop window about a Brixton fam'ly wantin' a maid , so I went after it .
30 I was lucky to get a job at Highgate , and after a few years was able tor educe my teaching to three days a week .
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