Example sentences of "to get [prep] least " in BNC.

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1 The Crown Prosecution Service will ‘ continue the fight ’ to get at least limited rights of audience in the Crown Court for its lawyers once the new advisory committee for legal education and conduct is set up under the Government 's White Paper plans for the legal profession , Fiona King , a recruitment specialist at the service said yesterday .
2 Jess went out , closing the door , determined to get at least a moment of privacy .
3 At three in the morning she went forlornly to bed , promising herself to get at least one room painted tomorrow .
4 Aaron I think was saying yesterday that it would be a good idea to get at least one tape of some erm stoned people .
5 Water companies are obliged to give more comprehensive data to local councils , so consumers should be able to get at least the same amount of information .
6 We ought to aim to get at least 4,000 by the end of the year .
7 If you ca n't , then try , several times if necessary , to make file duplicates using the COPY command 's facility to rename a file whilst copying , such as COPY FILE.BA1 FILE.BA2 , to try to get at least one successful read on the lower capacity drive .
8 He always tries , however , to get at least one shot for himself and the photographs shown here fall into that category .
9 One 's hopes are raised that Scots law is to get at least some adequate mention , but these hopes founder on the title of the very first chapter , ‘ The Incorporation of European Community Law into English Law ’ .
10 The objective should be to get at least one overseas visitor from each Overseas Group into each of the eight Regions within any two year period .
11 Now if Hereford are to build on last week 's success they need to get at least a draw at Gigg lane .
12 But first , with news of a team that 's managed to get at least one foot OUT of the grave , here 's Erika .
13 So we try to get at least er three or four new songs in on every every .
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