Example sentences of "hand holding the " in BNC.

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1 She looked back down at her hand holding the plate .
2 As we watched a German soldier — his hands above his head — one hand holding the white flag , was now in the centre of the road , facing in our direction ; he beckoned us to approach .
3 I was conscious , too , of his fine , tanned hand holding the pencil , and of the occasional play of warm breath from his mouth , wholesome as home-baked bread , though he was a heavy smoker — much heavier than I. ft was I who introduced him to the Bisontes brand , a Spanish version of Lucky Strike , with a similar ‘ toasted ’ flavour .
4 Always use a sharp knife , and always cut away from the hand holding the tile to avoid accidents
5 Buttons and zips are difficult to manipulate without one hand holding the garment steady .
6 The sight of the two customers that entered this time stayed her hand holding the small brass scoop that was about to transfer a minute amount of coconut chips to the scale .
7 The second is to lightly grip this loop of line between finger and thumb , and the third is to hook the line over the index finger of the hand holding the rod ( See Fig. 2 ) .
8 He paused as he always did at the foot of the stairs , his left hand holding the lamp , his right hand resting on the banisters .
9 Spackman is seen walking out of a black niche , his right leg forward , and the right hand holding the winding-sheet against the outer thigh ; underneath he wears an open shirt with broad cuffs from which the draw-strings have been released .
10 Harriet glanced past Meredith and raised the hand holding the rope halter in salute to someone unseen behind her .
11 He was sprawled in his chair , his long legs outstretched , his hand holding the plate of sandwiches away from his body .
12 Then she saw Daak swinging above her , hanging by one hand from a cable that ran up the stanchion , his other hand holding the grenade .
13 My hand holding the receiver was shaking ; I pressed it against the corner of a door to stabilize it .
14 With that she opened the hand holding the keys .
15 ‘ I am surrounded by selfish bastards I thought were my friends , ’ I say , slapping my forehead with the hand holding the J and almost setting my hair alight .
16 I followed him down the stairs , listening to him curse and shout ; in the front hall he tried to get a jacket on over his clothes but could n't get it to fit over his hand holding the gun .
17 She started to get up but he said , ‘ Do n't go , do n't go , ’ and hurried out of the bar , running with his body crouched and his right hand holding the newspaper low down , like a soldier carrying a slung rifle running in to the attack .
18 He saw Richmann wipe his face , the hand holding the gun shaking almost imperceptibly with suppressed rage .
19 Cigarettes could be lit from the output , and — in the first example of microwave cookery — the hand holding the cigarette became uncomfortably warm .
20 He could have been seven hundred miles away , his hand holding the side curtain open a little and staring out at the darkness .
21 And suddenly he dragged her struggling against him , and clamped her there while his hard mouth sought and found hers in a violent kiss , forcing her lips apart , his hand holding the back of her head like a vice while she kicked and hit and struggled .
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