Example sentences of "possible to use the " in BNC.

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1 With a runway it is often possible to use the centre line and a selected spot .
2 In this way it is possible to use the lift low down with safety , provided that the thermals are not too turbulent .
3 It should also be possible to use the computer screen as a kind of operator panel , allowing the user of the system to modify , in real time , the interpolation points .
4 In Smetana 's ‘ Moldau ’ , in the night sequence it is possible to use the lights and the textures of the instruments to create a night-time , moonlit effect .
5 Caroline Spry , the Channel 4 commissioning editor responsible for series like Out on Tuesday and Women Call the Shots , thinks it 's no longer possible to use the word in its old sense any more ; most of the other women I spoke to agreed with her .
6 If it is possible to use the same basic pattern for a number of guides , this has the advantage of both saving the librarian 's time and making it easier for the user to transfer search techniques from one discipline to another .
7 Thus , although it would in principle be possible to use the producer price indices for measuring the rate of inflation , it is more appropriate to regard them as indicators of the likely future trend of inflation .
8 I reminded her that , since she would be doing this under hypnosis , it was still possible to use the detachment technique if I thought she was becoming distressed in any way .
9 For this reason of re-programming , it is not possible to use the Form area of the E6000 's program when working with very large designs .
10 It is possible to use the arrow keys if you do not have a mouse but this is rather slow and tedious .
11 It is equally possible to use the present as the starting point of work with the family .
12 I believe the new electronic KnitRadar ( KR11 ) is geared for this , so that it is possible to use the KR11 while knitting intarsia with the electronic intarsia carriage .
13 Until recently , it has not been possible to use the Census to follow a particular group of people through their lives ( but see Fox and Goldblatt above ) , but it is perfectly feasible to study the changing population structure of , say , a particular district .
14 However , under the new rules it is no longer possible to use the losses of one spouse to cover the gains of the other .
15 You should experiment with the proportion of medium used but this is soon done and it is possible to use the medium to achieve delicate glaze effects .
16 It is possible to use the bodhran quite subtly as I have found out .
17 A half-crown 's worth of soy sauce also tends — unless you are keen on Chinese cooking -to remain an old faithful among the stores ; and although nothing can quite compare with fresh tarragon , it is perfectly possible to use the excellent Chiltern Herb Farm dried version .
18 It is , of course , possible to use the expressions here and now in what might be described as ‘ displaced contexts ’ .
19 To do this it is possible to use the verb ‘ order ’ and say , for example , ‘ I order you to clean your boots ’ , or to use the imperative form ‘ Clean your boots ’ , which is often associated with ordering .
20 It would also be possible to use the number of trading days remaining , but this has not been done by researchers .
21 In some places it would be possible to use the camera as a " fly on the wall " to record examples of transactions in the target language in real-life situations relevant to your students .
22 In the extreme case it is possible to use the same file that created the page on a page printer and use it to generate true phototypeset quality results .
23 A GP boat is still quite long and on flat water it is possible to use the steering by tilting effect .
24 That is , it is possible to use the capital asset pricing model ( CAPM ) to determine the rate of return that shareholders require on the whole corporate group , or from specific divisions or individual projects .
25 It is possible to use the diatonic system in several ways to give an air of ‘ modernity ’ .
26 It is , of course , possible to use the more restrictive bounds given by Walpole for the case of random orientation .
27 But it is possible to use the process determining a variable to generate a measure of the rational expectation of that variable , and this method has the attractive feature of allowing a formal statistical test of a model which includes rational expectations .
28 At this stage you will notice that no attempt has been made to count the words as it was not possible to use the macro record facility for this operation .
29 Using software tools now available , it is possible to use the same approach for ‘ documents ’ made up from multimedia ingredients .
30 This would , or course , only be justified for serious disease , but if more benign targetting techniques could be devised , it might be possible to use the liver as a target tissue for any interaction with serum metabolites , such as cholesterol .
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