Example sentences of "to have [art] chat " in BNC.

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1 One of 'em left his post to have a chat .
2 Of course you ca n't do that with everything ; it would be difficult to have a chat show host or hostess who was a succession of graphics .
3 A man might go off his beat to have a chat on the Docks , and have a smoke in the Dock bobby 's hut , when you knew the sergeant was n't around .
4 Be prepared to have a chat , offer a cup of tea or biscuit or to help people to the toilet or on to a commode .
5 Why should n't he , if he wanted to , drop in to have a chat with the landlord ?
6 Nevertheless , your father ( and mother , too for that matter ! ) may well be very pleased if your boyfriend takes the time to have a chat with them .
7 This understanding may be due to the farmers being highly tolerant because there are so few walkers , but if you 've ever sat down to have a chat with a shepherd on the windy fellsides you might be more likely to say that tolerance and friendliness is in their nature .
8 ‘ We might send an official to have a chat with Mr Cackett but more likely we will talk to the athlete about defacing her uniform . ’
9 I 'd gone across to the old folks ' home to have a chat with Maureen and , inevitably , I was telling her about the trouble I was having .
10 … I know what pubs to go into when I want to meet someone to have a chat . … ’
11 ‘ Tim Hargreaves said that you 'd like to have a chat with me about some things .
12 ‘ Someone would like to have a chat with you , Chief Inspector , ’ he stated with a sniff .
13 In your case , at Thames Valley , I am sure Iain McLennan would be delighted to have a chat .
14 Erm , I , I 'd like to thank you all for your participation this morning by the way , and I will give you out erm these reply if you 'd like re erm a , an information pack from us , or if you wish to have a chat with me , then you can send in this , you can give it me back at lunchtime , and I can send it into the office , and they 'll send you a retirement pack with an income planner and what have you .
15 So I think we ought to have a chat about the sort of things he 's putting you on , and then what side effects or anything you might get from those , but
16 But we have business to be done , too , tonight , and I know that many of you are anxious to have a chat to the — ah — instructors of your boys .
17 It would be nice to have a chat sometime .
18 I 'm not out to if they 're going to claim on this diesel then that 's up to them but I 'm not going to have our lads or anybody else blamed for something which definitely does not exist and I shall tell as soon as I erm I meet him to have a chat with him again that he 's going along the wrong lines .
19 Oh he said , You do n't have to send er professional speaker or anything just somebody to have a chat with ya .
20 Said he wanted to have a chat to her about her son 's murder .
21 If you 'd like to have a chat on the air call us on .
22 And you can give us a ring on that number if you 'd like to have a chat on the air this afternoon about anything at all .
23 Calls through till then if you 'd like to have a chat .
24 As a matter of fact , I was going to have a chat with Angy , you see , at this week 's art class , but of course …
25 John would have heard enough of you on the phone to be convinced that it was a erm right for you to have a chat with , could
26 come and sit down and get to business , now he may not , he may still want to have a chat about the weather or whatever you know so again be aware that to cut too soon to business
27 There 's no fee involved , it 's a completely free service , all I 'm here to really do today is to have a chat with you , find out what you 're interested in and see if we can situation , is that alright ?
28 I think erm what , what we , what I 'd really like to do is if I could get in touch with him and give him the chance to make up his own mind er then he could decide whether or not he would like to have a chat with me and I 'd just run a few ideas by him , just as you 've done , without any pressure er and he can make his own decisions .
29 Erm well perhaps you , you wou would you er let me perhaps er well not let me but perhaps I could ring a few of erm those people just to have a chat with them and perhaps put , you know , talk about the er planning your future exercise with them as well , could you , would you give me some numbers please ?
30 I think Sister Hennessy and I need to have a chat .
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