Example sentences of "might arise [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The only circumstances under which it would be possible to remove the National Government were those which actually arose in May 1940 : " A new situation might arise of course , if any considerable number of Members of Parliament now supporting the Government .
2 So in later years , when opportunities might arise for young disabled people to have some choices and to have more say , they have no basis for such autonomy .
3 The timely award of an extension of time may avoid problems which might arise at a later stage when a contractor submits a claim for taking extraordinary measures to recover lost time owing to the late issue of an instruction , for example .
4 Deferred taxation is not provided in respect of liabilities which might arise on the distribution of profits of overseas subsidiary companies , due to the availability of foreign tax credits .
5 We should , however , recognise the problems that might arise as a result and make sure that we do not misinterpret any problem .
6 The payment was made ‘ without any prejudice to any right to recover any payments which might arise as the result of legal proceedings ’ .
7 The letters said that the payments were made without prejudice to any right to recover them which might arise as a result of legal proceedings .
8 Therefore , we must expect some major changes in that region in the coming years and be prepared for anything that might arise as a result .
9 Regional policy has thus been amended in accordance with a perceived need to deal with the growing regional disparities which might arise as a consequence of the SEM .
10 Having considered the conflicts that might arise between a landlord and his tenant , Dr Clay concludes that :
11 Questions , however , might arise about whether a dispute is a valuation/technical dispute to be referred to an expert or one that should be referred to an arbitral tribunal or the court .
12 ’ The concluding words show that a claim to contribution might arise under the Act of 1935 out of tortious conduct committed by two or more persons even though one or both of them may have committed a crime in the course of such conduct .
13 What might arise with practice is a better routine for coping with jet-lag , and this is the aim of the next chapter .
14 In view of the Lonrho decision a similar question might arise with regard to common law crimes which are not also torts in their own right .
15 Finally , there are clauses that seek to make generalised advance disclosures of material interests which the fiduciary might have , or of possible conflicts of interest and duty which might arise during the course of the relationship with the customer .
16 Seventhly , if the German states were to express themselves for initiating movement toward German unity , would they be ready to take into consideration the interests of other European states and to seek , on a mutually acceptable collective basis , answers to all questions and problems that might arise in that regard ?
17 While not representing a complete list of provisions these sections map out the range of professional social work services which should become available at the local level to deal comprehensively with difficulties that might arise in the life of a young person .
18 What problems might arise in the future ?
19 It was foreseen that difficult situations might arise in the operation of such a scheme , for example two elderly dementia sufferers could live next door to one another , one able to receive support from the action project and the other not .
20 Yet Martha was a woman of courage , and she succeeded nobly in satisfying her hungry lodgers with wholesome fare , and spreading for them sheets a prince might fold around him ; and though the body was often weak , the spirit was lively , and soon found a way whereby to mount with ease over any difficulty that might arise in the government of her household or the entertainment of her hospices .
21 The panel could provide a forum for both shareholders and auditors to air concerns that might arise in relation to audit appointments and corporate governance or other issues arising from the audit .
22 The Secretary of State , Dean Acheson , warned the American mission in Seoul on 13 April 1949 that information had been received from a source believed to be reliable to the effect that serious trouble might arise in Korea within two months and that the initiative in these developments would be taken by South Korea .
23 ( The items might be set on a particular occasion as a test of the attainment of the criterion or they might arise in the context of more holistic tasks on separate occasions . )
24 That was not a proper construction of section 78 , which was drawn so as to embrace precisely the situation of this case amongst many others that might arise in individual cases .
25 I think that a case might arise in which the reputation of a local authority might be damaged , so as to impair its function for the public good , in which no private individual was defamed ; and in which the public interest would be served by the taking of proceedings for libel by the local authority in order to determine the falsity of the charge .
26 A reference was also necessary since it was possible that a similar case might arise in the public sector of employment where the Directive would have direct effect .
27 Declare to HCIMA any conflict of interest which might arise in the course of representing the Association .
28 The RICS check each lease to make sure there is a power of appointment ; other than that , the president did not consider it his function to determine any legal questions which might arise in the course of a rent review .
29 In terms of television these conflicts might arise in the deployment of outside broadcast units .
30 As individual cells can express different IP 3 Rs , variations in sensitivity might arise by varying the contribution of different subunits to the tetrameric receptor complex .
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