Example sentences of "must ask ourselves " in BNC.

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1 If we are to continue with a system of grants for specific operations on the land we must ask ourselves whether , in many crofting areas , we would not get better land use , and a greater benefit to the nation , if we grant-aided amenity planting on the in-bye land to improve the appearance of the villages .
2 We must ask ourselves , ‘ Why did these three young men undertake this task ? ’
3 His conclusions are stark : ‘ … a basic profit statement or balance sheet of any company conveys meaningless information … some [ accountants ] are definitely doing conjuring tricks and manipulating figures and the rest hopelessly losing their balance in utter confusion … we must ask ourselves whether we should be constrained by our accounting numbers and take a negative stance which dampens all entrepreneurial spirit . ’
4 If — and it is a very big ‘ if ’ — the matter sucked into a black hole must reappear somewhere and somewhen else , we must ask ourselves what the other end of the ‘ tunnel ’ would be like .
5 Further , we must ask ourselves , do we really want total honesty in communication ?
6 Again we must ask ourselves , ‘ Which war was that ? ’
7 We have first to pretend that , in the event of A wrongfully directing an innocent person X to do something to B 's goods , A is in the position of a finder or custodian of the goods ; and then we must ask ourselves , ‘ Would X 's acts have been excused if these were the facts ? ’
8 Druidism was , however , only a small portion of Posidonius ' picture of Celtic society , and we must ask ourselves what impression such a picture would make on his contemporaries .
9 All the time we must ask ourselves : " Is the Present a long enough key to penetrate the deep lock of the Past ? "
10 At some stage we must ask ourselves , ‘ Is this really the EC that we asked people to join ? ’
11 We must ask ourselves : who are the perpetrators of these offences , and what are their motives ?
12 We must ask ourselves , ‘ Have we made sufficient progress for one year 's deliberations and hard work ? ’
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