Example sentences of "so naive as " in BNC.

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1 Of course , he is n't so naive as to suggest that he has some privileged hot-line to the 16th and 17th centuries .
2 Her few originalities are so naive as to be laughable ( such as her picture of the persons of the Trinity sitting on different-coloured cushions ) or so deranged as to be pitiable .
3 I am not so naive as to expect a blinding flash of understanding , but bit by bit I think I am beginning to see patterns of behaviour , and even — in some cases — to recognise individuals .
4 And while I am not so naive as to thing that they have the time or the motivation to sample every title on the Whitbread short list , a good number of these men think they ought to .
5 And we ourselves will instinctively be perceived as ‘ anti-Christian ’ , as writers engaged in a fully fledged crusade which pits us , as militant adversaries , against the ecclesiastical establishment — as if we were personally bent on toppling the edifice of Christendom ( and so naive as to think such a feat possible ) .
6 Yet the Profitboss is not so naive as to believe that people do not occasionally betray trust , do not occasionally fiddle their expenses , do not occasionally get sloppy and hire unnecessary staff .
7 They accepted that Massingham had gained his promotion on merit although they were not so naive as to suppose that being the elder son of a peer did any man harm .
8 She did not rage so much against Aunt Emily but more at herself for being so naive as to agree to and promote a plan that any less raw and unworldly creature than herself would have seen was hardly possible .
9 MERSEYRAIL 'S ‘ cash pledge ’ really is so naive as to be almost beyond belief .
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