Example sentences of "will enable [art] " in BNC.

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1 Before waxing , the wood should be sealed with shellac sanding sealer or white or transparent French polish , as these will prevent the wax soaking into the wood and will enable a shine to be obtained with much less effort .
2 Wieman told EW + WW that the great benefit if this simplification is that it will enable a greater number of laboratories to participate in low temperature research and discover more and more bizarre properties of matter .
3 Robin Blackburn ( Letters , 3 April ) has argued in favour of proportional representation because he sees that it will enable a New Left Party to ‘ stand under its own colours ’ .
4 I want to point up examples of good practice which will enable a vulnerable elderly person to transfer into the group care setting , keeping a sense of identity and a family network intact , with the possibility that residential staff become part of the extended family network , or social support system .
5 Some unique photographs are featured and visiting displays from museum , tourism and other private groups will enable a regularly changing exhibition throughout the Steam Festival .
6 This will enable a potential purchaser to come forward up until 1 July with the recommended £2 million or above .
7 Sony Corp is claiming a quantum breakthrough in magnetic disk storage capacity with a new technique for improving head positioning that it claims will enable a 2.5″ disk drive to store as much as 1.5Gb — while being cheaper to make than current 2.5″ drive storing 80Mb .
8 The introduction suggests the manual will enable a trainer with little knowledge of the subject to teach means-tested benefits effectively .
9 Pointers will enable a file to be held in a single location rather than separate copies being spread around the system .
10 Only longer experience of a wider range of practices operating in a more constrained financial climate will enable a proper judgment to be made .
11 Discovery of the ownership of the Blue Parrot will enable a person to know the form of business organization which is behind it .
12 Discovery of the ownership of the Blue Parrot will enable a person to know the form of business organization which is behind it .
13 ‘ As indicated in the November 1983 statement , the setting of the first review date under these arrangements will enable a life sentence prisoner to be released within three years of that date if the Parole Board so recommends , subject to the policy announced in reply to a question by the then Rt .
14 Is the attempt to make such a separation meaningful , and above all can one devise the appropriate form of highly reductionist experiment which will enable a distinction to be made between these processes ?
15 While it may be too much to expect the applicant to appreciate the wider impact and implications of his proposal , and while it may be unreasonable to expect any but the most steadfast defender of National Park principles to resist continual local pressure for change , CPRW hopes that this Inquiry will enable a more far- sighted view of what is at stake , to prevail .
16 According to OUP 's managing director Marek Palka in Melbourne , this ‘ major shift of focus ’ will enable a direction of resources ‘ more fully towards core activities in school , college and reference publishing ’ .
17 There has been yet another substantial increase in resources for the NHS , and that will enable a continuing reduction in waiting lists and better service for all those who use the NHS .
18 In addition , the project will enable a great deal to be learnt about the theoretical and practical issues on studying centrally-planned economies in the process of transition .
19 The surveys will enable a more detailed explanatory model of the speech-community to be achieved than has previously been possible , with relevant linkages to social and economic factors , population structure and trends , and key public institutions such as the media , education and administration .
20 Regular visits to each of the three countries over the five-year period will enable a series of interviews with key decision-makers to be carried out , and qualitative and quantitative data to be collected .
21 The expected loss of foot passenger traffic to the Tunnel will enable an upgrading of services to other users and provide spare capacity for those who do not book in advance .
22 A curriculum which facilitates the shared experience will enable an integrated education for all who take part in it .
23 Later this year the DTI will be issuing a consultative document on its proposals for implementing the Third Life Insurance Directive , which is due to come into operation by mid-1994 and which will enable an insurer to offer insurance anywhere in the Community on the basis of a single authorisation in the state where its head office is situated .
24 Hence , the proactive approach will enable an acquiror to select targets from a larger population of companies .
25 To some extent , the government 's policy of affordable housing will enable an element of affordable housing to be provided , but it wo n't satisfy the needs of either people who are currently on the bottom of the housing rung and seeking to move up , nor will h help people who might be seeking to afford to c to come in as first time buyers as opposed to people who are otherwise er some other arrangement through an affordable housing provider .
26 At its best , art criticism will enable the reader to enjoy or appreciate an exhibition better .
27 Remember that anything which excites and interests you is a possibility and the greater the contrast with your first classical choice , the better you will enable the panel to see your present range .
28 Legal Aid Board proposals to grant ‘ franchises ’ to selected solicitors ' firms doing legal aid advice work under the ‘ green form ’ scheme will enable the board and lawyers to jointly improve the system , John Pitts , the board chairman , said .
29 This , together with depot refurbishment and tighter controls , will enable the group to deal with any falling off in demand , according to Sir Matthew .
30 It will enable the telephone to take messages , storing them at the exchange for ‘ reading back ’ when required .
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