Example sentences of "no objection to " in BNC.

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1 As a private activity there could be no objection to Christian members calling their fellow-believers to prayer , and I suppose that I and fellow-members of the British Humanist Association could have similarly organized a non-official meeting .
2 Dr Singh said the findings were preliminary , but he would ‘ have no objection to a woman increasing her intake of these nutrients ’ .
3 The Transkei 's military leader , Major General Bantu Holomisa , said yesterday that he had no objection to Mr Mandela setting up home in his territory .
4 There is no objection to retaining an upper limit on size , though in practice people desiring large houses would either purchase old ones or wait until building costs fall .
5 ‘ I 've no objection to your asking , but no , we 've no idea yet .
6 He seemed so pleased with himself that I could n't help saying that I should mind them very much myself but that I had no objection to his wearing them — a view which I believed surprised him .
7 ‘ I can see it 's wonderful for the East Germans , and if it does n't lead to reunification I 've no objection to it .
8 Nevertheless , Macmillan had no objection to experimental steps being taken in that direction .
9 Surely there could be no objection to telling him in advance which areas were run by Trusthouse Forte and which by Granada ?
10 He was too conventional to use make-up but had no objection to skin-care products , eyelash or hair dye .
11 Judge Owen said he had no objection to the officers not revealing their names and addresses in open court but he would not allow evidence to be given in secret .
12 ‘ If a Welsh team wins the West title in some future season we will have no objection to their moving into England 's National League , ’ said Stephen Baines , the Hockey Association chief executive .
13 Women who have no objection to abortion in principle feel that it is entirely within their right to abort babies who have been diagnosed as being mentally handicapped ; certainly at present there are few legal restraints , but there are practical as well as moral problems involved .
14 For there is no objection to people forming their own judgment on any issue they like .
15 The use of perfumes is generally shunned in food environments but , unless highly critical processes are involved , there should be no objection to the use of lemon or similar fragrances .
16 As part of their case , the Church made much of the fact that there had been no objection to demolition from within the village .
17 The BSI decided to raise no objection to the use of the ‘ f ’ spelling in international standards .
18 To improve their image by good public relations , the RCAF had no objection to carrying a civilian passenger over the North-West Staging Route : from Edmonton across the Northwest Territories and the Yukon to Fairbanks , Alaska .
19 Fortunately he and the Hungarian were of superficially similar appearance and , unlike his superiors , Aranyos had no objection to cutting a few corners .
20 Thus far it can be argued that , if and in so far as the objection to the validity of a pretended Act of Parliament is purely procedural , there is no objection to any court ( and not merely the House of Lords ) making such minimal inquiries as are consistent with Parliamentary privilege in order to ensure that the instrument in question was consented to by the two Houses and did receive the Royal Assent .
21 Donkeys have no objection to donkey work , but they can not stand being taken for racehorses or tractors .
22 By relating belief to duty in this fashion , Gandhi is able to claim that he would have no compunction under Swarāj , self-governing India , in recommending those who had no objection to talking up arms , to fight for their country .
23 Now we have already made the point that the weakness of a premonitory or sympathetic reaction compared with experience which is present and mine is no objection to acting on the former rather than the latter .
24 My friend is not simply explaining why , for good or bad reasons , he did decide to go to the Park ( as he might after the event , in which case it would be no objection to his explanation that when he got there the zoo turned out to be closed ) ; he is defending his decision to go to the Park rather than meet me at his house , and I can still try to change his mind .
25 This is the Citizen 's Charter in action and we have no objection to the public being given more information .
26 She made no objection to his strange ways , his obsessive working habits were his own business , and she found nothing repugnant in his looks , his soiled clothes .
27 If the logic behind the proposals was accurate , I would have no objection to them , but I do not believe it is .
28 He had no objection to telling him when Adam and Anne were returning : next Tuesday on the Iberian Airlines flight from Tenerife that got in at 1.30 p.m .
29 A libertarian would have no objection to such a course of action .
30 I have no objection to what he tried to do . ’
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