Example sentences of "no relevance to " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 If either of these sentences were true , the story would not have been worth telling , since the conversion would have been a purely fanciful affair which bore no relevance to Lewis at the deepest levels of his being .
2 It has no relevance to unfolding events .
3 Although you may feel that Page 3 models , pornographic magazines , videos and films have no relevance to your life , and certainly no relevance to your obsession with losing weight or remaining slim , it is easy to see how such images of womanhood can contribute to a sense of vulnerability to rape , or just confusion over whether having breasts and thighs means you are always sexually available .
4 Although you may feel that Page 3 models , pornographic magazines , videos and films have no relevance to your life , and certainly no relevance to your obsession with losing weight or remaining slim , it is easy to see how such images of womanhood can contribute to a sense of vulnerability to rape , or just confusion over whether having breasts and thighs means you are always sexually available .
5 In its present form it would have no relevance to homosexual unions and little relevance to a union involving a transsexual .
6 The unit requires information that is wide-ranging , remote and often ‘ seemingly has no relevance to the company 's activities ’ .
7 These gods have no relevance to progressive life .
8 African independence , when they thought of it at all , seemed an eventuality so far into the future as to possess no relevance to their working lives .
9 In any case , there is no point in letting the great abstractions Truth and Reality divert us into epistemology and metaphysics , since such questions have no relevance to the application of ‘ Be aware ’ in the conduct of life .
10 These remarks of Chomsky have often been quoted , and adduced more often than not , almost gleefully at times , as evidence in support of the view that linguistics has no relevance to language teaching and that therefore applied linguistics , as it relates to pedagogy at least , is vacuous .
11 Provided the goods qualify , the VAT liability of those goods has no relevance to payment of the flat rate addition .
12 Often they carry crude woodcuts ( which may have little or no relevance to the contents ) .
13 Even if it was a leisure activity and bears no relevance to the particular job you are applying for , it will at least show that you have the ability to concentrate and study .
14 This did not mean that they were wholly resistant to new ideas — that was clearly not the case because many spoke of the helpful advice and information given on the farming , nutrition , health and child care programmes — but they seemed to resist anything which either conflicted with views they already held or seemed to have no relevance to their experience .
15 However , Jones claimed to see only neutrons , and a few of those only at levels that might be interesting to science and geophysicists but of no relevance to making commercial fusion reactors . ’
16 They have no relevance to the story , but do bring us up to date and give the all-important illusion of gravitas which accompanies everything Branagh does .
17 The Great Casterton villa excavation produced a good example ( Corder 1951 , 24 — 40 ) , but it was carefully noted at the time that this destruction by fire involved only one building and was , therefore , an accident and had no relevance to any historical event .
18 A turning-point came in the case of Ridge v. Baldwin in which it was held that the distinction between administrative and judicial functions was of no relevance to deciding whether a decision-maker ought to comply with the rules of natural justice or to the availability of judicial review remedies .
19 As will be clear from table 2.2 , SSAP 3 ( Earnings Per Share ) has no relevance to local authorities .
20 That expression of opinion by the Law Commission can have no relevance to the construction of the Act , whilst any bearing it might otherwise have had on the matters which the court should take into account in exercising its discretion whether to grant leave to apply for a residence order in respect of a child in the care of a local authority has clearly been superseded by the express provisions of the Act .
21 Paragraphs ( e ) and ( f ) are self-explanatory and are of no relevance to this case .
22 As far as she could tell it had no relevance to her own predicament .
23 This paradox is explained by the fact that the figures are of no relevance to the operation of the housing department throughout the rest of the year .
24 There 's the green Instructions for Prisoners book [ information book ] , but it has virtually no relevance to anything to do with life in prison .
25 They need not be subjected to obtrusive or distressing questions that may have no relevance to their illness , and no one will be singled out for discriminatory treatment .
26 The slogan ‘ reduction of waiting lists ’ as applied to elective surgery or outpatient appointments is simplistic and may have no relevance to actual or imminent medical needs of patients and their families .
27 Moreover , it seemed ironic that South Africa 's reimmersion in the Test arena should be marred by such a local show of disaffection , a boycott naive and myopic in concept and of no relevance to racial reform in the Republic , which may yet have repercussions in the Caribbean game as a whole .
28 It should be noted that although gas or electricity mains pass across or near the site , this may have no relevance to availability of the respective services .
29 Is it not possible for the Council to devise rules to eliminate such resolutions which have little or no relevance to the purposes and work of the national trust ?
30 Lord Salmon confined himself to saying that Anisminic was of no relevance to the High Court : it was apposite only for tribunals , commissioners and inferior courts of law .
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