Example sentences of "have regard to " in BNC.

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1 We are able to stand aside and not have regard to financial implications , ’ he said .
2 ‘ I will have regard to how vigorous competition with the tunnel can be best assured as well as with how well the current competitive arrangments have operated , ’ he said .
3 Châtelherault and the Hamiltons , as heirs to the queen , must have regard to Anglo-Scottish friendship .
4 In determining the amount of grant the Minister will have regard to the general standards of the courses maintained by them , the needs of the areas , the activities of other bodies providing further education in the area and the fees paid by students .
5 16.47 Within this continuous assessment , the teacher 's structured observation should have regard to all the strands in the attainment target and should look for children 's growing confidence and independence as readers ; the ways they read aloud ; the reading and information-retrieval strategies they employ ; their responses to reading ; and the range and difficulty of the texts they are able to handle and comprehend .
6 It shall be the duty of every library authority to provide a comprehensive and efficient library service for all persons desiring to make use thereof … ( 2 ) In fulfilling its duty … a library authority shall in particular have regard to the desirability ( a ) of securing , by keeping of adequate stocks , by arrangements with other library authorities , and by any other appropriate means , that facilities are available for the borrowing of , or reference to , books and other printed matter , and pictures , gramophone records , films and other materials , sufficient in number , range and quality to meet the general requirements and any special requirements both of adults and children …
7 Employees have no statutory rights of management or even ( with limited statutory exceptions ) consultation , although the board must have regard to their interests and , in the case of a takeover , an offeror must state the consequences for employees .
8 All businesses , whether trading as companies , partnerships , state corporations , agricultural co-operatives , trade associations or sole traders and whether for profit or not , must have regard to the competition rules of the Treaty of Rome .
9 The Commission must have regard to the future development of competition ( including competition from undertakings located outside the Community ) , not merely to the position as it exists among the companies competing in the market at the date of the merger .
10 To do this the Commission must have regard to barriers to entry likely to deter new market entrants and to whether a result of the merger is likely to be a significant raising of those barriers .
11 As indicated in SP10/91 , the Revenue may have regard to other factors , such as changes in manufacturing methods , pricing policies and so on .
12 11.2 In relation to commercial exploitation the Non-academic Parties and the Academic Parties agree that the terms and conditions for exploitation of and licenses granted under intellectual property rights in results deriving from the Academic Parties shall have regard to the extent to which such results are incorporated in or applied to the manufacture of commercially exploited products ( particularly where there had been substantial product development outside the project ) and to the SERC guidelines which are set out in a letter from SERC dated 13 August 1984 , together with its attachments .
13 On the question of reasonableness , an employer should have regard to the Code of Practice on disciplinary rules and procedures published by ACAS .
14 the same power may be exercised , despite the absence of a Civil Procedure Convention , with the consent of the Secretary of State ( who would presumably have regard to the known attitude of the foreign government and the terms of any relevant Convention as to consular relations ) .
15 The courts did , of , have regard to the particular circumstances of each case .
16 No doubt if such a condition were not written into the Act , the trial judge and the House of Lords would have regard to the significance of the adoption of the procedure for litigants and to their wishes in exercising their respective discretions to grant a certificate or leave to appeal .
17 The court should have regard to the gravity of the offences under consideration and the offender 's criminal history .
18 If , however , it is not clear in what terms the relevant law is to be formulated , and there is no binding authority upon the matter , this court should have regard to the terms of the Convention because it is a safe presumption that the law of contempt of court in this country is in conformity with the requirements of that Convention .
19 ‘ A local housing authority may perform any duty under section 65 or 68 ( duties to persons found to be homeless ) to secure that accommodation becomes available for the occupation of a person — ( a ) by making available suitable accommodation held by them under Part II ( provision of housing ) or any enactment , or ( b ) by securing that he obtains suitable accommodation from some other person , or ( c ) by giving him such advice and assistance as will secure that he obtains suitable accommodation from some other person , and in determining whether accommodation is suitable they shall have regard to Part IX ( slum clearance ) , X ( overcrowding ) and XI ( houses in multiple occupation ) of this Act .
20 And in determining what is suitable they must have regard to the matters referred to in the last three lines of the substituted subsection .
21 The closing words of the subsection as it now stands , providing that ‘ in determining whether accommodation is suitable they shall have regard to Part IX ( slum clearance ) , X ( overcrowding ) and XI ( houses in multiple occupation ) of this Act ’ seem to me to call unmistakably for the exercise by the local authority of a subjective judgment as to what constitutes suitable accommodation .
22 He held that , even on an application for leave , the court must have regard to the child 's welfare as the paramount consideration .
23 First , under section 1(2) it is provided : ‘ the court shall have regard to the general principle that any delay in determining the question is likely to prejudice the welfare of the child . ’
24 When exercising its discretion the court will have regard to all the circumstances .
25 When he hears the petition the judge will have regard to the up-to-date situation concerning any payment on account and taxation of the bills .
26 However , in Pickstone v. Freemans Plc. [ 1989 ] A.C. 66 this House , in construing a statutory instrument , did have regard to what was said by the Minister who initiated the debate on the regulations .
27 The question is whether , in addition to other aids to the construction of statutory words , the courts should have regard to a further source .
28 But in considering any possibility if development , would you agree Mrs that one must have regard to the suitability of one site versus another site in relation to damage which might be caused ?
29 If indeed , therefore , this land performs a significant function with regard to the character of Skelton , one should have regard to what the effect on that character would be if development were , development of any kind .
30 ( 3 ) In considering the grounds for refusal mentioned in paragraph ( a ) of subsection ( 1 ) above , the licensing board may have regard to any misconduct on the part of any person mentioned in that paragraph , whether or not constituting a breach of this Act or any byelaw made thereunder , which in the opinion of the board has a bearing on his fitness to hold a licence .
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