Example sentences of "has [be] designate " in BNC.

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1 Although it has been designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty , several things blot the landscape .
2 Part of the area has been designated as a site of special scientific interest under the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act and special protection has been sought under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance .
3 May 20–26 has been designated ‘ One World ’ week by 18 national TV stations : it kicks off with a German production , The World In Our Hands , which highlights global issues from pollution to Third World debt , and ends with One World , One Voice , a two-hour musical chain letter masterminded by Kevin Godley and featuring 150 international musicians .
4 The week beginning April 13 has been designated by the Royal Institute of British Architects as Individual Homes Week .
5 What has been designated Industry Year has got off to a predictably silly start .
6 As you are no doubt aware , 1986 has been designated Industry Year by the Government .
7 Or put another way , the economic growth objectives are planned so as to be practicable without recourse to that part of oil and gas production which has been designated a foreign currency earner .
8 Subsequently , the microsomal fractions of human platelets have been shown to contain an enzyme which converts the endoperoxides , prostaglandin G 2 and H 2 to thromboxane A 2 , and the enzyme has been designated thromboxane synthetase ( Needleman et al , 1976 ) .
9 A significant stratigraphic break is identified near the base of the Barren Measures in the late Carboniferous which has been designated the ‘ Symon Unconformity ’ .
10 The year 1992 has been designated National Trust Landscape Year and one of the earliest surviving English landscape gardens in Claremont , near Esher , which has new opening times this year .
11 Sutton has been designated a conservation area and the local committee are able to keep a check on the plans of any new building proposals .
12 The week of 17–24 October has been designated Helping the Earth Week .
13 From the car park , follow the forest road south-west towards the Dalavich Oakwood , which has been designated a Forest Nature Reserve because of its varied plant community .
14 There are numerous shorter walks in the area , which has been designated of outstanding natural beauty , with its landscape of weald hills and wooded , rolling farmland .
15 The wooded glen at the start of this walk is home to over 120 species of flowering plants and has been designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest .
16 Tolonen described Noorda 's role as one involving strategy and planning rather than day-to-day operations , adding ‘ We have a very strong group of executives — we have looked at various times at succession , ’ although no-one has been designated to succeed .
17 THIS weekend has been designated ‘ Green Leaf Watch ’ by the National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs .
18 This whole picturesque area has been designated a nature reserve and if you enjoy long walks then you 're in for a treat — gorges , torrents , dense forests and vineyards are two a pfennig !
19 A popular area for walkers , Blackdown Hills in South Devon and Somerset , has been designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty by the Countryside Commission ( CC ) .
20 During that time BP has held a small interest in offshore block 8 and has been designated operator for onshore Cabinda Central block , where operations have been suspended for security reasons .
21 The study looked at all areas of the natural environment , including the management of the diverse grasslands and associated rare species , for which the Park has been designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest .
22 On behalf of ‘ Spokes ’ I am organising a ‘ Commuter Challenge ’ for the morning of May 18th , which has been designated ‘ Bike to Work Day ’ as part of the Festival of the Environment .
23 Great questions such as the way in which buildings may be rehabilitated , or private and council landlords forced to meet basic standards of health and safety within their properties , have been largely pushed into the field of what has been designated " Housing Law " , the latter being less concerned with providing a framework for operation than a means for intervening on behalf of the more vulnerable members in society .
24 It is possible that this funding may cease after 1997 , but as Manchester Computing Centre has been designated a national datasets centre , the expertise to support the data should remain there .
25 When a conservation area has been designated , the Act requires special attention to be paid in all planning decisions to the preservation or enhancement of the area 's character and appearance .
26 IN AN UNPRECEDENTED move RAF Hullavington , Wilts , has been designated as a conservation area under Section 69 of the Planning ( Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas ) Act 1990 .
27 To date , $84 million has been designated for anti-pollution work , but another $99 million is still needed .
28 The Great Barrier Reef in Queensland , north Australia , has been designated the world 's first " particularly sensitive area " .
29 Aid for environmental planning in developing countries has been designated a top priority .
30 The government has announced that Rutland Water , a large reservoir in eastern England , has been designated a Special Protection Area ( SPA ) under a European Community directive on the conservation of wild birds and as a Wetland of International Importance under the Ramsar Convention .
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