Example sentences of "at an all-time " in BNC.

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1 World cotton consumption was a record 86m bales , and the ratio of stocks to consumption was at an all-time low .
2 At an all-time low after the Mandela concert , when he cheered for the benefit of the TV cameras only
3 If the 1920s were a time of depression , the 1930s were not that much better , and morale amongst deaf people was still at an all-time low .
4 Edward 's affair and subsequent marriage to divorced Mrs Simpson had left the family 's popularity at an all-time low .
5 The change is unlikely to help heal relations between Downing Street and France , reported to be at an all-time low .
6 Where the value of the intangible asset is at an all-time low , it may be possible to sell it to an IOFC operation and realise a capital loss in the selling location .
7 His credibility as EC President is at an all-time low just when he needs to tackle yet another crisis .
8 He will declare that the economy has reached a ‘ turning point ’ , but latest polls show confidence in him and his Chancellor at an all-time low .
9 1991 ended with youth affiliations at an all-time high of 360 , and school donations of more than £17,000 coming in to the section .
10 Dissent flared into civil war after a Sunday Telegraph Gallup poll revealed opposition to the Maastricht Treaty was at an all-time high among Tory backbench MPs .
11 But Fashanu is desperate to play on the big stage and with Wimbledon 's crowds at an all-time low , they may be forced to part with their biggest star .
12 Alarm clocks waking us up in the middle of the night ; absenteeism at an all-time high during the day games ; the thrill of success and the despair of defeat for the national team — they were new experiences to many .
13 The Manila stockmarket is at an all-time high ; yet electricity power-cuts in the country last an average of eight hours a day .
14 At a time when America 's interest in British pop was at an all-time low , the label failed to produce one significant hit .
15 Relations between Warnock and Derek Pavis , County chairman , are at an all-time low and he would be delighted to move north .
16 Misleading Government propaganda of the last 30 years — rail investment at an all-time high .
17 While the reduction in price rises is very welcome — taking us back to where we were three and a half years ago — does my right hon. Friend recognise the irony that , as a result , current interest rates — the price of money — are , in real terms , at an all-time high ?
18 British exports in 1991 were at an all-time record high .
19 Public confidence in the judiciary is at an all-time low — hardly surprising , considering recent miscarriages of justice such as the Guildford Four and the Birmingham Six cases .
20 Is it not surprising that after several years of unremitting devolutionist propaganda from the Scottish Constitutional Convention , support for devolution is almost at an all-time low , according to the opinion polls ?
21 The issue , which had allowed successive governments to mobilize national sentiment , had surfaced at a time when Serrano 's popularity ratings were at an all-time low .
22 Overuse can lead to pollution , declining groundwater levels and , eventually , to trouble of one sort or another ; internecine feuds were reported in southern Spain in the summer of 1983 when river levels were at an all-time low .
23 Cases of salmonella food poisoning in Britain have trebled in the last three years and are at an all-time high , according to government statistics .
24 With rhino numbers in Zimbabwe at an all-time low due to poaching , rhino horn smugglers have taken to constructing fake horns in an effort to sustain their trade .
25 He claims the problem is at an all-time high and that confiscated nets are finding their way back into the hands of poachers .
26 ‘ The number of girls is now at an all-time low ’
27 ‘ Morale in the Inland Revenue is at an all-time low as a result of market testing and centralisation .
28 Badger-baiting is at an all-time high in East and North Yorkshire and it is estimated that each year in Great Britain as many as 9,000 badgers meet a premature death .
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