Example sentences of "at [art] forthcoming " in BNC.

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1 The secretary was directed to write to the Master of the Horse , asking leave to nominate him as president of the College at the forthcoming general meeting .
2 Messrs Fiddle and Perks have indicated their willingness to continue in office as auditors and a resolution to re-appoint them will be proposed at the forthcoming annual general meeting .
3 The Queen also gave permission for the house to be shown at the forthcoming British Empire Exhibition .
4 TWO ‘ Star ’ locomotives are scheduled to make an appearance at the forthcoming Open Day at Leicester British Rail depot on Sunday , September 6 .
5 A Microsoft Corp Windows NT version will be on show at the forthcoming Comdex exhibition — ‘ if we can get it lined up by then ’ — whilst Tivoli investor , mainframe system management software house Legent Corp will take the technology into the IBM MVS world .
6 As reported ( UX No 413 ) , the definition — a low-level application binary interface ( ABI ) — will be owned by Unix International ( UI ) and is to be published in the next edition of the UI RoadMap , due at the forthcoming UI members meeting in February .
7 SunSoft 's Unix-on-Intel play , Solaris 2.0 , will be shown at the forthcoming PC Expo in New York — along with its emulation stuff , see page five — and is still scheduled to become available 90 days after the Sparc version ships .
8 This is the fourth in a series of articles looking at the forthcoming changes to community care
9 Although the faculty-based approach was retained , the scope of the activity was limited by stressing a group ‘ objectives-setting ’ exercise aimed at the forthcoming year .
10 Thus in 1969 the Lords rejected a bill that sought to free the Home Secretary from a legal obligation to present to Parliament the report of a commission that had reviewed parliamentary constituencies : the more equitable redistribution of seats it proposed was likely to cost the Labour Government up to twenty seats at the forthcoming general election .
11 This is one of a series of articles looking at the forthcoming changes to community care
12 This is one of a series of articles looking at the forthcoming changes to community care
13 This is one of a series of articles looking at the forthcoming changes to community care
14 This is one of a series of articles looking at the forthcoming changes to community care
15 Comment from Morton Westlake centred on how jolly good the scones were , how you could get a jolly food tea at the Waldorf in London , and the astronomical prices which some had paid for their seats at the forthcoming Test match at Lord's. it was the Old Stager who brought them back to the match in hand .
16 In November 1988 a set of ‘ Theses ’ on the national question was issued by the Central Committee with a view to clarifying the issues that would be discussed at the forthcoming plenum .
17 Mr. Hogan retires from the Board at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting in accordance with the Articles of Association and , being eligible , offers himself for reappointment .
18 Indeed , the embassy will certainly be represented at the forthcoming trials to which I think the hon. Gentleman is referring .
19 I strenuously reject the suggestion of the hon. Member for Gateshead , East ( Ms. Quin ) that my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister is not the best person to negotiate on behalf of Britain at the forthcoming summit .
20 Resolved , That this House , believing it is in Britain 's interests to continue to be at the heart of the European Community and able to shape its future and that of Europe as a whole , endorses the constructive negotiating approach adopted by Her Majesty 's Government in the Inter-Governmental Conferences on Economic and Monetary Union and on Political Union ; and urges them to work for an agreement at the forthcoming European Council at Maastricht which avoids the development of a federal Europe , enables this country to exert the greatest influence on the economic evolution of the Community while preserving the right of Parliament to decide at a future date whether to adopt a single currency , on issues of Community competence concentrates the development of action on those issues which can not be handled more effectively at national level and , in particular , avoids intrusive Community measures in social areas which are matters for national decision , devlops a European security policy compatible with NATO and co-operation in foreign policy which safeguards this country 's national interests , increases the accountability of the Commission , enhances the rule of law in the Community including improved implementation , enforcement and compliance with Community legislation , improves co-operation between European governments in the fight against drugs , terrorism and cross-border crime , and through these policies secures the long-term interests of the United Kingdom .
21 The selection of 27 black candidates by the major parties as parliamentary candidates , and the likely election of some black members of parliament at the forthcoming general election have also heightened interest in the rise of black politicians in British politics .
22 Nevertheless , continuing discontent with the ruling party led commentators to predict that , despite the party 's current gains , the LDP would almost certainly lose seats at the forthcoming election .
23 The SNC also elected a delegation to represent Cambodia at the forthcoming UN General Assembly ( Hun Sen , SOC Foreign Minister Hor Nam Hong , NGC Vice-President and Khmer Rouge leader Khieu Samphan and NGC Prime Minister and leader of the Khmer People 's National Liberation Front ( KPNLF ) , Son Sann ) .
24 With parliament prorogued until Sept. 24 , Premadasa on Sept. 12 told the Speaker , Haniffa Mohamed , of the Attorney General 's advice that the motion could not , on technical grounds , be tabled at the forthcoming session .
25 Officials said that the decision was in part motivated by concern that punishing Israel would undermine Israel 's position at the forthcoming Middle East peace conference , and aggravate further US-Israeli relations .
26 This first session dealt mainly with co-operation between the two countries at the forthcoming Middle East peace conference .
27 Yeltsin 's support at the forthcoming Congress , he warned , risked being diminished as a result of a campaign to deprive ministers of their powers as deputies , and he felt that he would be more useful working for Yeltsin at the Congress than in government .
28 Addressing the Assembly , Yeltsin said that at the forthcoming Congress he expected an attempt to retreat from reforms .
29 OPEC country representatives met their counterparts from 12 non-OPEC oil producing countries ( the so-called NOPEC group ) on April 23 in Vienna , when OPEC president Jibril Aminu reportedly urged the adoption of common positions at the forthcoming UN Conference on Environment and Development ( UNCED , or the " Earth Summit " ) in Rio de Janeiro in June .
30 The leaders of Kosovo Albanian political groupings on Aug. 14 rejected a proposal by Panic that talks should be held in Belgrade on the Kosovo question , insisting that any talks between Kosovo Albanians and Serbs should be held under international auspices at the forthcoming London Conference .
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