Example sentences of "on a par " in BNC.

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1 Layton 's ebullience was on a par with Ezra Pound 's ‘ showmanship ’ , and Leonard now found himself not so very far from where the great revolutionary poet ( of Imagism , Vortism etc. ) was actually incarcerated .
2 In The Groove , who runs at Phoenix Park on Saturday , has not achieved nearly as much as Dead Certain , but Elsworth rates them on a par .
3 The acquisition of Walker will put British Steel on a par with its rivals in Germany and France which control up to 70 per cent of the stockholding outlets through which their steel is sold to industrial customers .
4 By 1980 , Britain would be producing 100 million tonnes a year , with 500,000 barrels a day from the Forties field and 370,000 from the Brent field , putting the United Kingdom on a par with Kuwait , Nigeria , or Iraq as a major oil producer .
5 My opinion has always been that fishermen , at least those who fish to catch and return , are on a par with the hunting fraternity .
6 The 1971 Act finally put an end to black people settling in Britain by putting all incoming Commonwealth Citizens on a par with ‘ aliens ’ .
7 To my mind the Luo are on a par with the Welsh because everyone sings .
8 Their level of expertise and commitment is at least on a par with that of the police and fire service .
9 But assuming Collor 's Brazil makes it into the ranks of the developed world , it will do so at the lowest level of eligibility , on a par with the East European countries .
10 Bangkok has a doctor for every 722 people ; Roi Et can produce one for every 23,681 people , on a par with the Central African Republic .
11 Today Ukrainians see their nuclear experience as an example of Moscow 's environmental imperialism , on a par with dumping toxic waste in Africa .
12 When the Alternative Service Book was threatening the absolutism of the Book of Common Prayer a few years ago , the Book of Common Prayer was being spoken of as if it were on a par with Holy Writ .
13 Abdullah was the equivalent of a constable , the most junior career rank , almost on a par with conscripts .
14 Although the unemployment rate at 9.2 p.c. is , for the first time , on a par with the average in Britain , no serious observer expects it to remain so once the economy as a whole picks up .
15 ‘ The NHS stands on a par with any achievements of any government of any nation since the Second World War .
16 Mr Wendt 's income puts him on a par with Peter Wood , founder of the Royal Bank of Scotland 's Direct Line insurance company who was paid £1.84m last year , but leaves him well ahead of other leading company chairmen .
17 I fear he will be too late , but Dettori can enjoy the consolation of knowing that Sangster rates him ‘ on a par with Pat Eddery , Willie Carson and Steve Cauthen ’ and will still employ him when the situation allows .
18 Home to gridiron team Orlando Thunder , who play in the World League , it is not on a par with the Joe Robbie stadium in Miami — their bid failed because of the clash with the baseball season — but it is huge and comfortable .
19 ‘ The tutor-organiser is on a par with them ; the voluntary officer feels — and is sometimes made to feel — inferior . ’
20 It provides a certainty that God exists which is on a par with the sort of certainty we claim from our sense-experience .
21 It would seem to be on a par with the famous ‘ Let them eat cake ’ attributed to Marie Antoinette .
22 This remark , it seemed to him , was on a par with ‘ Stalin was quite a nice guy , basically ‘ .
23 Back in England , I had always looked on people who went round with no shoes on as crackpots and show-offs , on a par with youths who wore shirtsleeves in midwinter .
24 The figures are big enough to put potential ( and expected ) savings on a par with actual consumption of the other four primary fuels — coal , oil , gas and nuclear .
25 When mealworms were given to a group of meerkats by means of a cleverly designed dispenser their activity increased enormously and the pattern was on a par with that of the wild populations ; without such a dispenser they showed more lethargic , passive and atypical behaviour patterns .
26 In hotter climates the Sussex has demonstrated several advantages : it has a smooth coat , and twice as many sweat glands as other European breeds ( in this respect it is on a par with the Africander ) and has been able to adapt well to the heat .
27 Much as I regard them as a social nuisance on a par with the Orange Walk and invented by the devil to prevent churchgoers getting to church on time , I can not claim that marathons have ( yet ) been proved to kill enough people to justify banning them .
28 He puts the incident on a par with two other embarrassing faux pas by fossil hunters : Hesperopithecus , the fossil pig 's tooth that was cited as evidence of very early man in North America .
29 According to Ulric Weil of Morgan Stanley , the US firm of industry analysts , by 1987 Japan will have closed any remaining gap in its ability to develop software on a par with that of the top American firms .
30 With melodies , accompaniment figuration , choruses and arias on a par with Handel 's very best , Archiv has produced a recording to be strongly recommended and much enjoyed .
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